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This research target is to develop a simulator program to arrange the movement of
machine CNC932, where the command conducted by speech. Examination conducted to see
the ability of system to translate of speech input for the movement commands of machine
CNC932. Attempt to simulator done by giving 7 available commands conducted by 3 people
tester as much each 20 times.
Before doing attempt tester trained their voice to program. Commands given by tester
pass the microphone consisted of "kiri", "kanan", "maju", "mundur", "naik", "turun", " stop"
and "bor”.
Result of examination to simulator developed to be got to every command given get
the above efficacy level 85%. Command owning highest efficacy level is "maju" equal to
96,7%, while command own the level of lowest efficacy is “kiri" equal to 88,3%.
Keywords: simulator, speech, CNC932

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