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The internet is currently in great demand as a medium for people to communicate. With the internet, people can connect with each other without being limited by space and time. The development of the internet as a mean of communication is the presence of social media. The presence of social media has more or less influence in various aspects of life. One of them is in the business fields.  This research aims to know the influence of cosmetics advertisement on Instagram towards teenage girls' attitude and consumtive behavior in Yogyakarta. Population used in this research are SMKN 4 Yogyakarta aged 15 to 18 years who has marger of This research method using Quantitative research methods of empirical research methods by means of Surveys using a questionnaire to respondents. The number of samples from this research is as much as 68 students from 212 class 2 and class 3 Department of Hairstyling and Hairstyling Skin SMKN 4 Yogyakarta and the relevant theory used in this research is the theory of the S-R and Theory AIDDA.


               The results of this study are Amount between t count the effect of X on Y1 and X on Y2, that is (4.899 + 2,559) / 2 = 3.724 and the sum of the value of p (+ 0,000 0.013) / 2 = 0.006. Thus, the value of t obtained in synchronous (F) is 3.724 and p 0.006. With p 0,0006 <0,05, it means that there is a significant influence between cosmetic advertisements on Instagram towards teenage girls' attitude and consumtive behavior in Yogyakarta.


Keyword : Influence, Cosmetic Advertisement On Instagram, Attitude, Consumer Behavior Cosmetics.

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Author Biography

Nia Sapma Apriliana, Diponegoro University

Master of Communication Diponegoro University