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LGBT is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender. The purpose of this study is to examine social media’s role in propagating influence on spreading LGBT movements in Malaysia. Malaysia is a conservative country; therefore, LGBT is considered to be as a tabooed subject in which LGBT community has kept their community hidden among the citizens in Malaysia. LGBT movements are limited and small and they depend on social media to propagate the movements. The usage of hashtags in social media has been a way of promoting and communication among the LGBT community in Malaysia in hopes of spreading LGBT movements in Malaysia. Seksualiti Merdeka is one such LGBT movement in Malaysia along with #LoveWins movement to seek acceptance towards the ideology of LGBT among the society in Malaysia. A qualitative phenomenological study is done towards 10 respondents along with the observation within social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for posts that is related to LGBT movements. Results are then recorded, transcribed and analyzed. The interview for the data was conducted on 1st January to 10th of January. An analysis of the findings suggests that social media does play a role in spreading LGBT movements in Malaysia therefore social media plays a role in disseminating information and influence for the LGBT movements in Malaysia.
Keywords: LGBT; Social Media; LGBT Movements in Malaysia;