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E-commerce business in Indonesia has developed quite rapidly by prioritizing their respective advantages. E-commerce platforms can also be categorized into online-based innovation products that can be utilized by the sellers to expand their business online. E-commerce offers a variety of convenience in the process of selling transactions. Distance is no longer a significant obstacle because all can be connected through the internet. Groups of Small Medium Enterprises (SME) should also be able to get the positive impact of e-commerce platforms. Therefore, e-commerce companies, as products of innovation, must be able to create an appropriate marketing communication strategy so that SME can adopt this innovation quickly. Based on the positivism paradigm, this study aims to determine the process of innovation adoption on marketing communication strategy in e-commerce which is an online-based innovation product. This study also uses a qualitative case study approach to explain the phenomenon. This study was conducted by collecting data or information directly from individuals through in-depth interview supported by observation. The result of this study indicates that the presence of ecommerce platforms can encourage the creation of innovation adoption for SME. In addition, e-commerce companies have specific marketing strategies to encourage the diffusion of innovations process more quickly in SME groups. Thus, SME products can be recognized and marketed widely through online and self-managed by SME.

Keywords: E-Commerce; Small Medium Enterprise; Marketing Communication; Diffusion of Innovations;

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Author Biographies

Feni Wahyuni, Department of Communication Science, University of Indonesia, Salemba, Indonesia

Department of Communication Science, University of Indonesia, Salemba, Indonesia

Firman Kurniawan Sujono, Department of Communication Science, University of Indonesia, Salemba, Indonesia

Department of Communication Science, University of Indonesia, Salemba, Indonesia


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