Contemporary Issues in Criminal Law 2024-06-10T00:00:00+00:00 Dr. Mahrus Ali, S.H., M.H. [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Contemporary Issues in Criminal Law (CICL)</strong> is a peer-reviewed journal published by <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Faculty of Law Universitas Islam Indonesia</a>. CICL provides a valuable contribution to both the international academics and professional audiences in criminal law. CICL coverage includes, but is not restricted to criminal law, corruption, money laundering, environmental crimes, international crimes, transnational crimes, economic crimes, cyber-crimes, penology, victimology, and criminology. CICL publishes twice a year in June and December. CICL welcomes original research, review paper, or case note on various discipline of criminal law.</p> Identifying Factors And Criminal Law Enforcement on Online Gambling: An Empirical Study 2024-05-06T04:54:05+00:00 Alif Rifqi Subhan [email protected] Sukardi [email protected] <p><em>This study investigates the factors that lead to online gambling and the measures taken by police investigators to respond to the crime. This study employed empirical legal research focusing on the actual data and facts obtained from interviews with perpetrators and players of online gambling alongside the police investigators. This study revealed that various reasons exist in the commission of online gambling by the perpetrators, such as possessing desires for instant wealth, being burdened by debt, obtaining funds for a wedding, seeking enjoyment, curiosity, killing time, having no other better activities, and wanting to spend money. Based on the differential association theory, these reasons are linked to the lack of capability to serve as better human resources and bad habit as the internal factors; as well as economic motive and lack of the legal awareness of the perpetrators as the external factors. The measures taken by the police in response to the crime involves both preventive and repressive ones. The former is taken by conducting numerous campaigns in neighborhoods, schools, and other social gatherings to raise awareness, educate, and guide the community to prevent and eradicate gambling as a social disease. The latter is implemented when it has been proven that the accused perpetrator is involved in a crime, whereby they will be legally processed accordingly. In the enforcement of online gambling cases, Police has not yet applied the ITE Law but uses KUHP instead to charge the defendants. Hence, the specific regulations for handling online gambling cases have not been implemented.</em><br /><em><strong>Keywords: Criminal law enforcement, Differential association theory, Online gambling, Police investigator.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Penelitian ini menyelidiki faktor-faktor penyebab perjudian online dan langkah-langkah yang diambil oleh penyelidik polisi untuk mengatasi kejahatan ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian hukum empiris yang berfokus pada data dan fakta aktual yang diperoleh dari wawancara dengan pelaku dan pemain judi online serta penyelidik polisi. Penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa berbagai alasan dipenuhi dalam melakukan judi online oleh para pelakunya seperti ingin cepat kaya, terbebani hutang, mencari dana untuk menikah, mencari kesenangan, rasa ingin tahu, menghabiskan waktu, tidak memiliki kegiatan lain, dan menghabiskan uang. Dari teori asosiasi diferensial, alasan-alasan ini terkait dengan kurangnya kemampuan sumber daya manusia dan kebiasaan sebagai faktor internal, serta motif ekonomi dan kurangnya kesadaran hukum pelaku sebagai faktor eksternal. Tindakan polisi melibatkan tindakan preventif dan represif untuk menangani kejahatan ini. Yang pertama diambil dengan melakukan berbagai kampanye di lingkungan, sekolah, dan pertemuan sosial lainnya untuk meningkatkan kesadaran, mendidik, dan membimbing masyarakat untuk mencegah dan memberantas penyakit sosial seperti perjudian. Yang terakhir ini dilaksanakan ketika telah terbukti bahwa pelaku yang dituduh terlibat dalam kejahatan, dan mereka akan diproses secara hukum sesuai dengan itu. Dalam penegakan kasus perjudian online, Polisi belum menerapkan UU ITE melainkan menggunakan KUHP untuk menuntut para terdakwa. Oleh karena itu, peraturan khusus untuk menangani kasus perjudian online belum diterapkan.<br /><strong>Kata kunci: Penegakan hukum pidana, Teori asosiasi diferensial, Perjudian online, Penyidik polisi.</strong></p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alif Rifqi Subhan, Sukardi Prevention of Secondary Victimization for Victims of Sexual Violence in Court Proceeding 2024-05-06T04:50:49+00:00 Dinah Faizah Syahbur [email protected] Aroma Elmina Martha [email protected] Galuh Praharafi Rizqia [email protected] <p><em>The number of sexual violence cases against women remains a concern faced by Indonesian society. Ideally, when a sexual violence occurs, the victim shall report the crime. However, while undergoing the process to demand justice, it is not uncommon for victims of sexual violence to experience the secondary victimization wherein the victim is blamed for the crime instead and receives negative stigma from the law enforcement officials. This study focuses on the causal factors for the occurrence of secondary victimization for victims of sexual violence in the court proceeding and strategies to prevent such phenomenon. This study is a combined empirical and doctrinal legal research focusing on the interview with the officials of legal institution and judges concerning this issue supported by existing regulations. It is argued that many law enforcement officials are still lacking the perspective of the victim and having no understanding on the dynamics of the victims in the aftermath of the crime. Various prevention of secondary victimization has been provided, such as the existence of legal assistance by Rifka Annisa psychological centre as well as the relevant Supreme Court Regulation. During examination in court, judges should prevent and/or reprimand parties, legal counsel, public prosecutors, and/or attorneys who behave or make statements in ways that demean, blame, intimidate and/or use the experience or sexual background of women in conflict with the law. Law Number 12 of 2022 can be implemented immediately so that law enforcement officials can prioritize the interests of victims and implement related procedures for handling victims of sexual violence in the criminal justice system.</em><br /><em><strong>Keywords: Secondary victimization, Sexual violence, Court hearing process</strong></em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Banyaknya kasus kekerasan seksual terhadap perempuan masih menjadi perhatian yang dihadapi masyarakat Indonesia. Ketika kekerasan seksual terjadi, korban harus melaporkan kejahatan tersebut. Namun, saat menjalani proses menuntut keadilan, tidak jarang korban kekerasan seksual mengalami viktimisasi sekunder dimana korban malah disalahkan atas kejahatan tersebut dan menerima stigma negatif dari aparat penegak hukum. Penelitian ini berfokus pada faktor-faktor kasual terjadinya viktimisasi sekunder bagi korban kekerasan seksual dalam sidang pengadilan dan strategi untuk mencegah fenomena ini. Penelitian ini merupakan gabungan penelitian hukum empiris dan doktrinal yang berfokus pada wawancara dengan pejabat lembaga hukum dan hakim mengenai masalah ini yang didukung oleh peraturan yang ada. Dikatakan bahwa banyak aparat penegak hukum masih kurang perspektif korban dan tidak memahami dinamika korban pasca kejahatan. Berbagai pencegahan viktimisasi sekunder telah diberikan, seperti adanya pendampingan hukum oleh Rifka Annisa dan Peraturan Mahkamah Agung. Selama pemeriksaan di pengadilan, hakim harus mencegah dan/atau menegur pihak, penasihat hukum, penuntut umum, dan/atau pengacara yang berperilaku atau membuat pernyataan yang merendahkan, menyalahkan, mengintimidasi dan/atau menggunakan pengalaman atau latar belakang seksual perempuan yang berkonflik dengan hukum. Peraturan nomor 12 tahun 2022 ini dapat segera diimplementasikan agar aparat penegak hukum dapat mengutamakan kepentingan korban dan melaksanakan prosedur terkait penanganan korban kekerasan seksual dalam sistem peradilan pidana.<br /><strong>Kata kunci: Viktimisasi sekunder, Kekerasan seksual, Proses sidang pengadilan</strong></p> 2024-06-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dinah Faizah Syahbur, Aroma Elmina Martha, Galuh Praharafi Rizqia Confiscation of Assets Laundered through Cryptocurrency Transactions in Indonesia: A Regulatory Framework 2024-05-06T04:49:32+00:00 Mahdavika Arsy Mubarak [email protected] Ayu Izza Elvany [email protected] <p><em>The newly emerged method of Money Laundering (ML) is to purchase cryptocurrency. The anonymity of cryptocurrency makes it difficult to identify perpetrators for the purpose of asset confiscation. Unfortunately, Indonesia does not have the law on asset confiscation. This research analyses the legislation on asset confiscation in case of ML through cryptocurrency transactions in Indonesia and the extent of the Asset Confiscation Bill in covering asset confiscation from ML through cryptocurrency transactions. This doctrinal legal research uses both statutory and conceptual approaches to address the proposed legal issues. The results of this study indicate that the regulation of asset confiscation in the Money Laundering Act in Indonesia still places the criminal confiscation to certain goods as an additional punishment that must be imposed along with the primary punishment, making it difficult to reach the asset confiscationof ML through cryptocurrency transactions. Furthermore, the concept of following the money in the Asset Confiscation Bill reaches the nominee mode. Asset confiscation is carried out without criminal conviction by proving that the assets were indeed derived from criminal proceedings, which is sufficient for submitting an application for asset confiscation. The Bill does not address the problem when the arrangement uses the DEX model as the issue lies in the technical execution. Hence, specific regulations and procedural law are needed to confiscate assets that have been laundered through cryptocurrency transactions as well as to synergise the dynamics between the law enforcement and the suspect in order to successfully confiscate the said assets.</em><br /><em><strong>Keywords: Asset Forfeiture, Cryptocurrency, Legislation, Money Laundering.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Metode baru Pencucian Uang (ML) adalah membeli cryptocurrency. Anonimitas cryptocurrency membuat sulit untuk mengidentifikasi pelaku penyitaan aset. Sayangnya, Indonesia tidak memiliki undang-undang penyitaan aset. Penelitian ini menganalisis peraturan perundang-undangan penyitaan aset ML melalui cryptocurrency di Indonesia dan sejauh mana RUU Perampasan Aset dalam mencakup penyitaan aset dari ML melalui cryptocurrency. Penelitian hukum doktrinal ini menggunakan pendekatan hukum dan konseptual untuk mengatasi masalah hukum yang diusulkan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengaturan penyitaan aset dalam Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang di Indonesia masih menempatkan penyitaan pidana terhadap barang-barang tertentu sebagai hukuman tambahan yang harus dijatuhkan bersamaan dengan hukuman utama, sehingga sulit untuk mencapai penyitaan aset ML melalui Cryptocurrency. Selanjutnya, konsep follow the money dalam RUU Perampasan Aset mencapai mode nominee. Penyitaan harta dilakukan tanpa pemidanaan pidana dengan membuktikan bahwa harta kekayaan tersebut berasal dari hasil tindak pidana, yang cukup untuk mengajukan permohonan penyitaan harta benda. Bill tidak menjawab masalah ketika penempatan menggunakan model DEX karena masalahnya ada pada eksekusi teknis. Oleh karena itu, peraturan khusus dan hukum acara diperlukan untuk menyita aset yang dicuci uang melalui cryptocurrency.<br /><strong>Kata kunci: Perampasan Aset, Cryptocurrency, Legislasi, Pencucian Uang.</strong></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mahdavika Arsy Mubarak, Ayu Izza Elvany Asset Confiscation in Corruption Cases through Plea Bargaining System: Should Indonesia Learn From Nigeria? 2024-05-06T09:29:11+00:00 M. Hilmi Miftahzaen Reza [email protected] Mahrus Ali [email protected] Ribut Baidi [email protected] <p><em>Plea bargaining system is a procedure of bargaining for punishment between the prosecutor and the suspect or defendant on the basis of an admission of guilt from the latter party. This system leads to recovering the assets due to the lengthy period for asset confiscation process. This study aims to investigate the urgency of the plea bargaining system to be applied in confiscating the assets of perpetrators of corruption and the idea of its application in criminal procedural law in Indonesia. This is a doctrinal legal research focusing on the use of the statutory, conceptual, and comparative approaches. The findings indicate that plea bargaining system serves the values of justice and increase the effectiveness of the performance of judges and courts. The goal is to prevent more expenses and to be much less time consuming. Confiscation of assets in plea bargain can be carried out by using the bargaining of facts with confiscation of assets of the criminal confiscation (conviction) with an admission of guilt from the perpetrator to be able to negotiate the said assets. The said type is meant to reduce the facts regarding the assets that will be confiscated, thus the facts that have been presented by the prosecutor do not need to be presented at trial. In the future, the reform of the criminal case settlement process needs to be paid more attention to so that it focuses on recovering the assets from perpetrators of criminal acts of corruption.</em><br /><em><strong>Keywords: Asset confiscation, Plea bargaining system, Corruption.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong><br />Sistem plea bargaining adalah prosedur tawar-menawar untuk hukuman antara jaksa dan tersangka atau terdakwa atas dasar pengakuan bersalah dari pihak yang terakhir. Sistem ini mengarah pada pemulihan aset karena jangka waktu yang panjang untuk proses penyitaan aset. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki urgensi penerapan plea bargaining system dalam penyitaan aset pelaku korupsi dan gagasan penerapannya dalam hukum acara pidana di Indonesia. Ini adalah penelitian hukum doktrinal yang berfokus pada penggunaan pendekatan hukum, konseptual, dan komparatif. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa sistem plea bargaining melayani nilai-nilai keadilan dan meningkatkan efektivitas kinerja hakim dan pengadilan. Tujuannya adalah untuk mencegah lebih banyak biaya dan menjadi jauh lebih sedikit memakan waktu. Penyitaan aset dalam plea bargain dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan tawar-menawar fakta dengan penyitaan aset pelaku pidana penyitaan (vonis) dengan pengakuan bersalah dari pelaku untuk dapat menegosiasikan aset tersebut. Jenis tersebut dimaksudkan untuk mengurangi fakta bahwa ada harta yang nantinya akan disita, sehingga fakta yang telah disampaikan oleh jaksa tidak perlu disampaikan di persidangan. Ke depan, reformasi proses penyelesaian perkara pidana perlu lebih diperhatikan sehingga berfokus pada pengembalian aset dari pelaku tindak pidana korupsi. <br /><strong>Kata kunci: Penyitaan aset, sistem plea bargaining, Korupsi.</strong></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 M. Hilmi Miftahzaen Reza, Mahrus Ali, Ribut Baidi