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Air pollution is a serious matter that must be addressed promptly and quickly. One of the most dangerous pollutants in the air is PM2.5. This pollutant is particulates dust measuring 2.5 micrometers. PM2.5 can cause environmental and health problems such as acute respiratory infections, lung cancer, cardiovascular cancer, and premature death. Air pollution occurs in big cities such as the capital city of Indonesia, DKI Jakarta, which is the city with the highest PM2.5 levels in Indonesia. There are 6 six stations in DKI Jakarta that measure PM.2.5 level at 6 areas. The ordinary kriging is one of spatial methods  that can be used to predict PM2.5 level in outside the existing stations, for example in the Pulogadung industrial area. This area was selected because there are many factories in this area that can increase levels of PM2.5 in the air. To predict the concentration of PM2.5 in one area could be done by calculating the surrounding PM2.5 concentrations that were not available to measure air quality. In study, we use mean an absolute percentage error ( MAPE ) value to evaluate Ordinary Kriging performance for predicting PM2.5 level in DKI Jakarta.


Ordinary kriging Predict on PM2.5 levels DKI Jakarta

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How to Cite
Salsabilla, S. ., Fitri Syaharani, A., & Chamidah, N. (2023). Prediction of PM2.5 in DKI Jakarta Using Ordinary Kriging Method. Enthusiastic : International Journal of Applied Statistics and Data Science, 3(1), 48–58.


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