Jurnal Abdimas Madani dan Lestari (JAMALI) https://journal.uii.ac.id/JAMALI <p>Jurnal Abdimas Madani dan Lestari (JAMALI) merupakan jurnal pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang menjadi wadah ilmiah untuk pengabdian, dengan nomor terdaftar E-ISSN <a href="http://u.lipi.go.id/1557365984">2686-097X (online)</a> dan P-ISSN: <a href="https://issn.lipi.go.id/terbit/detail/20210621370954324">2798-0227 (print)</a> adalah jurnal multidisiplin ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (DPPM) Universitas Islam Indonesia.</p> <p>Penerbitan jurnal ini akan dilakukan dalam satu tahun, mulai tahun 2019 terbitannya sebanyak dua kali terbit yaitu pada bulan Maret dan September.</p> UII en-US Jurnal Abdimas Madani dan Lestari (JAMALI) 2798-0227 Dinamika Implementasi Pembelajaran Metode Tilawati Ramah Anak di TPQ Al-Ikhlash Deltasari Indah, Waru, Sidoarjo https://journal.uii.ac.id/JAMALI/article/view/34355 <p><em>Learning the Qur'an today employs various methods and approaches in practice. Teaching and learning activities in Islamic educational institutions are required to be dynamic and contextual. The Tilawati method of learning, as one of the methods for studying the Qur'an, is a learning method that must continue to be developed to align with the current era and educational trends. Additionally, implementing the Tilawati method in teaching and learning activities can create a child-friendly environment. The aim of this community service project is to study the implementation of the child-friendly Tilawati learning method at TPQ Al-Ikhlash Waru Sidoarjo and to develop a child-friendly learning concept based on children's character values. The community service approach utilizes a case study method. The subjects of the community service are the teachers (Asatidz and Asatidzah) and students (santri) of TPQ Al-Ikhlash Waru Sidoarjo. Data collection methods include interviews, observations, and documentation. Data analysis is performed using descriptive analysis. Field findings indicate two categories related to the implementation of the child-friendly Tilawati method at TPQ Al-Ikhlash Waru: first, the concept of a child-friendly school involves inclusive learning, environmentally friendly learning, social education, and justice-based education; and second, Qur'anic learning that is relevant to the children's world.</em></p> Ainun Nadlif M Lukman Arif Puspita Handayani Ilyas Maulana Copyright (c) 2024 Ainun Nadlif Ainun, Puspita Handayani, M Lukman Arif, Ilyas Maulana https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-09 2024-09-09 149 159 10.20885/jamali.vol6.iss2.art8 Pendampingan Pengendalian Fungi pada Anggur Caru Club sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Hasil Panen https://journal.uii.ac.id/JAMALI/article/view/33758 <p><em>Diseases in the vine can affect the quality and quantity of grape production. The majority of members of the Caru Wine Club (ACC) still do not know the type of disease in the vine and how to control it. This activity aims to provide assistance in fungal control to ACC partners. The implementation method is through direct assistance to ACC partners in Caru hamlet, Bajang village, Mlarak District, Ponorogo Regency consisting of 22 members. The training stage begins with plant identification, training and practice of making sulfur jaddam fungicides, as well as control by spraying sulfur jaddam fungicides. The results of the training showed that ACC partners were already able to create sulfur jaddam fungicides, identify plants infested with fungi, and spray skills correctly. Spraying is carried out once a week for one month. The impact of this activity proves that grape plants that have been sprayed using the sulfur jaddam fungicide can reduce pests on grape plants. The sulfur jaddam fungicide applied to the vine is able to reduce diseases in the vine so that the vine is quite resistant to disease and thrives. To maximize crop yields, partners need to be disciplined regarding the time of spraying grapes because it will affect the growth of fungi that can damage plants if the spraying of jaddam sulfur fungicide is inconsistent.</em></p> Niken Sylvia Puspitasari Sukendar Use Etica Latiefa Rusli Mohamad Alim Rohman Feri Irawan Istaufal Ahdi Copyright (c) 2024 Niken Sylvia Puspitasari Sukendar, Use Etica, Latiefa Rusli, Mohamad Alim Rohman, Feri Irawan, Istaufal Ahdi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-09 2024-09-09 160 167 10.20885/jamali.vol6.iss2.art9 Edukasi Sumber Daya Alam yang Lestari melalui Pengenalan Tumbuhan Obat Keluarga (TOGA) pada Generasi Muda di Kecamatan Mandor, Kalimantan Barat https://journal.uii.ac.id/JAMALI/article/view/33671 <p><em>Nature provides many benefits for humans, including the existence of plants that have medicinal properties. Currently, many people cultivate medicinal plants around the house and make them into family medicinal plants (TOGA). Providing education to the younger generation regarding the use of plants as family traditional medicine (TOGA) is important to increase the awareness of the younger generation in preserving natural resources. This Community Service activity was carried out in two stages, namely (1) preparation and collection of educational material followed by (2) delivery to educational participants, the young generation in Mandor District, Landak Regency, West Kalimantan. Educational activities are carried out through brochures/leaflets, stand banner and PPTs which are delivered at PKM activities. The younger generation, namely high school students, are enthusiastic about taking part in activities. There has been an increase in the knowledge and understanding of the younger generation regarding types of family medicinal plants, their benefits, processing methods and utilization by an average of 24.67%.</em></p> Yeni Mariani Fathul Yusro Hikma Yanti Copyright (c) 2024 Yeni Mariani, Fathul Yusro, Hikma Yanti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0 2024-09-09 2024-09-09 176 189 10.20885/jamali.vol6.iss2.art11