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PP 53/2023 led to skepticism over the president's impartiality as he dishonestly supported one of the presidential candidate pairs in the election. During a lame duck session, when a president can no longer be elected, he or she does not want to change election rules, but only focuses on leaving a good legacy during his or her term. However, Indonesia experienced an anomaly when President Joko Widodo's eldest son, Gibran Rakabuming Raka (Gibran), was nominated as a vice presidential candidate. Article 18 of PP 53/2023 says that the President, Vice President, leaders and members of the People's Consultative Assembly, leaders and members of DPR, leaders and members of DPD, ministers and ministerial-level officials, governors, vice governors, regents, vice regents, mayors, and vice mayors running for presidency and/or vice presidency do not need to resign their post. For this reason, There are several research questions to address in this study. First, how anomalous is lawmaking during the lame duck period in Indonesia? Second, how did the lame duck session lead to the president's partiality in the 2024 election? by employing the normative legal research method and using the comparative and statute approaches, the author identifies 2 (two) topics in this paper. First, in 2024 there was an anomaly in government during the lame duck session. An official was involved in the election at the end of his term. Second, the implications of the absence of restriction during the lame duck period allowed the president to be partial, giving an advantage to one pair of the presidential and/or vice presidential candidates.
Keywords: lame duck, election, president

Proses terbit dan materi muatan Pasal 18 PP 53/2023 menimbulkan problematik jika dikaitkan dengan penyelenggaraan pemilu yang jujur dan adil sesuai semangat yang diatur dalam Pasal 22E UUD NRI 1945. Munculnya PP 53/2023 jelas menguntungkan pihak-pihak tertentu, karena para pejabat negara tidak perlu mengundurkan diri apabila disaat yang bersamaan mencalonkan diri sebagai presiden dan/atau wakil presiden. Istilah lame duck session nampaknya relevan jika dikaitkan dengan peristiwa ini. Penelitian ini mengkaji dua hal, pertama, bagaimana anomali pembentukan hukum selama periode lame duck di Indonesia? kedua, bagaimana pengaruh periode lame duck pada keberpihakan presiden dalam pemilihan presiden/dan wakil presiden tahun 2024. Dengan menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan komparatif dan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian memberikan 2 (dua) kesimpulan. Pertama, di 2024, terdapar anomali pada pemerintahan selama lame duck session ketika pemerintahan ikut terlibat dalam pemilihan umum dalam akhir masa jabatanya. Kedua, implikasi dari ketiadaan pembatasan selama periode lame duck memberikan kesempatan bagi presiden untuk memihak yang memberikan kesempatan pada salah satu pasangan kandidat presiden dan wakil presiden
Kata Kunci: lame duck, pemilihan umum, presiden


lame duck election president

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How to Cite
Perdana, M. A. (2024). The Implications of the Implementation of Lawmaking During the Lame Duck Session for the President’s Impartiality in the 2024 Election. Journal of Constitutional and Governance Studies, 1(1), 96–110.


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