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Aggressiveness is one of the most critical problems in adolescents in their relationships with other people. Various factors that influence adolescent aggressiveness include effective parent- adolescent communication and self-control. However, there is still limited research examining the effect of effective parent-adolescent communication on adolescent aggressive behavior, especially mediated by self-control. This study aimed to determine the effect of effective parent-adolescent communication on adolescent aggressiveness mediated by self-control. The participants of this study were 228 high school students, middle adolescence (15-18 years). Data were collected using the Parent-Adolescent Effective Communication Scale, Aggressiveness Scale, and Self-Control Scale. The hypotheses were tested using mediation analysis using the JASP statistical program. The results showed that self-control partially mediated the relationship between effective parent-adolescent communication on adolesent aggressiveness. Furthermore, parents’ communication with adolescent girls was more likely to be open than with boys. These results can be a reinforcement that effective parent-adolescent communication plays an important role in the development of a child from an early age because it supports the development of self-control and behavior of children.

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