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This paper presented computer programming of concrete mix design used Microsoft®
Visual Basic™: NCMD. The procedures use by this computer program are based on SKSNI
and ACI method of concrete mix design. The method was developed for use with cement,
aggregates, and water, which conform to the relevant Indonesian and American standard.
However since this standards lay down requirements which materials must meet in order to
be suitable for good quality concrete, the procedures of SKSNI and ACI method can be
applied to concrete mix design generally. The object of this computer program is to find the
proprotions in which the concrete material - cement, water, fine aggregate, and coarse
aggregate - should be combined in order to provide the specified strength, workability,
durability, and possibly meet other requirements, as listed in standard such the SKSNI and
ACI standard.
Keywords: mix design, concrete, computer programming, visual basic™.

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