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In the last two years, Indonesia has been ranked 4th in the Asia Pacific in terms of environmental preservation. Therefore, Indonesia must continue to improve the quality of the environment. This study aims to analyze the influence of GRDP, the number of firms, education, and the environmental budget on environmental quality in Indonesia. This study took cases in 34 provinces in Indonesia from 2016-2022. The analysis method used is the panel data regression method. The estimation results show that the fixed effect method is the best. The regression results show that the GRDP, education, and environmental budget positively affect IKLH. At the same time, the number of firms does not affect the quality of the environment in Indonesia. The results show that education is dominant in influencing the quality of the environment in Indonesia. The implication is that education needs to be further improved, and education must be expanded to remote areas in Indonesia so that people can preserve and protect the environment.


GRDP industries education environmental budget panel data environmental quality

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How to Cite
Wafa, A. (2025). Analisis determinan kualitas lingkungan hidup di Indonesia. Economics, Finance, and Business Review, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from


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