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The  changes  in  curriculum  and  everything  in  between  such  as development    of  Islamic    education,    science, development innovation,  change  and  others  are  inevitability  which  generate new  challenges  in  the  field.  Facing  this  reality,  all  element  of society expects that the role of Islamic religious education which indeed  has  taught  moral  and  spiritual  value.  Therefore  the urgency of Islamic religious education in providing teachings or guidelines  for  social  activities  becomes  a  very  urgent  need.  In line with the statement, we need an educators who have creativity and   innovation   to  be   able   to   develop   learning   well and professionally. No matter how good the curriculum design is, if the delivery is not good, an effective learning will certainly not work.   Scientific   based   learning   implementation   in   Islamic education   must   be   conducted   to   face   dynamic   things   in educational world including the digital industry development.


Islamic Education Science School

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