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The Act No. 3 year 2006 revising toward The Act No. 7 year 1989 concerning the religious (Islamic) court constitutes recent development after one roof system of court in Indonesia. Revising the Act No. 7 year 1989 departs from Indonesian senate proposes and initiates. This revising actually implies human resources and human assessment of the religious court in Indonesia. The Religious court faces new jurisdiction, budget, education and training effectively, preparing syari’ah graduation, law resources, experts of economics law, those of Islamic economics including the banking world and the Syari’ah economics generally. Thus, it needs revitalizing the curricullum of Syari’ah economics either Strata 1 or graduation program (S2) in preparing human resources and human assessment of religious court in Indonesia.

Kata kunci: Peradilan agama, praktisi hukum, ekonomi Syari’ah, SDM, dan kewenangan.

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