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The theory and practice of syariah banking will be able to exist and be a model when it’s able to solve the society’s problem, but it will be left when considered unsuccessful to solve the society’s problem, especially poverty and unemployment problem. Based on this opinion, academicians and syariah banking practitioners have to evaluate and reform regularly upon the concept and some practices which failed to overcome the society’s problem. The firmest idea upon the research purpose is the evaluation of syariah banking funding products system. The domination of murahabah funding of syariah banking, moreover in Indonesia, strengthened the indication that substantionally syariah banking system haven’t perform its base function, it’s improving people’s economy and society’s prosperity. The main step should be performed is opening the funding concepts which is possible to carry out using more simply procedure and keep it on carefully. The reformation concerned with funding problematic is improving the quality of better funding system. The real step is avoiding fudhul trading transaction and give funding priority for real-sector which offers employment opportunity and reducing poverty. The difficult procedure liked the item of application procedure about the length of life-work of the customers who propose application should be changed by escorting program known as personal guarantee or ad dlaman. It doesn’t mean refusing productive funding application, rather accepted it by escorting program. Using this model, employment opportunity will be broader expanded also the society’s prosperity is going to spread widerly.

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