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Following Miranda & Camponez (2019), media regulation or accountability in the Philippines has evolved from mandated/professional in 1965, to mandated/shared, to voluntary/professional in the late 1980s, and to voluntary/shared in the early 2000s. Today, the Philippine Press Institute is leading a multisectoral effort to establish community-based media-citizen councils outside Manila, signifying a shift from the national to local. Applying key informant interviews to collect the empirical data, this study has interviewed the Media-Citizen Council officers and members through face-to-face interviews or Zoom meetings. This study found that these media-citizen councils are local in nature. They were established in the different regions of the country to address media-related issues and complaints within their media companies and communities in their specific regions. These councils are also expanding their scope from traditional newspapers to include the broadcast and the emerging social media, and extending membership to locally-relevant stakeholders. 


media self-regulation media accountability press council media-citizen council alternative dispute resolution

Article Details

Author Biographies

Mia Embalzado Mateo, University of the Philippines Cebu, Philippines

Assistant Professor of the College of Communication, Art, and Design at the University of the Philippines Cebu

Gary Marinao, De La Salle University, Philippines

Assistant professorial lecturer at De La Salle University

Janvic Mateo, University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines

Instructor at the Department of Journalism at the University of the Philippines Diliman

Ariel Cervantes Sebellino , Philippine Press Institute, Philippines

Executive Director of and a Trustee at the Philippine Press Institute

How to Cite
Mateo, M., Mariano, G., Mateo, J., & Sebellino, A. (2024). From National to Local: Media-citizen Councils as Independent Co-regulation at the Community Level. Asian Journal of Media and Communication, 8(1).


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