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This paper aims to discuss about crisis communication activities using official website in educational organizations. The case of this paper is how Islamic University of Indonesia (UII) responding the crisis following the death of three students in UII freshman orientation program. The data of this research using UII official statement that posted in the university official website between 23 January 2017- 31 January 2017. The consideration to choose the time frame because it was the most critical moment for UII. The discussion using crisis communication concept by Coombs (2006): the form and and the content. Form is what organization should do, and content is what kind of message that organization state in order to respond crisis. In the form aspects, UII use the official website to share the official statement immediately; and practice the partial openness. In the content aspects, UII use the acceptance strategy that consist of full apology and remediation

Keywords: crisis communication; cyber public relations; educational organizations; official website;

Article Details

Author Biography

Narayana Mahendra Prastya, Communication Department, Faculty of Psychology and Socio Cultural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Communication Department, Faculty of Psychology and Socio Cultural Sciences, Islamic University of Indonesia, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


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