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Generasi Berencana (GenRe) is a program of the BKKBN in response to all the problems of adolescence so that teens can be protected from the risk of KRR triad. Promotional activities are highly needed in promoting something – service and things. the media is one of the most influential component to the success of such promotional activities. This study aimed to describe the media campaign that used BKKBN representatives of West Sumatera province through a program GenRe (Generation Planning), know the strengths and weaknesses of communication analysis communication strategies used BKKBN representatives of West Sumatera Province in the promotion of program GenRes. The method used in this research is qualitative method with descriptive approach. Data on get by observation, interviews and documentation, etc after that data analysis that consists of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. This study uses a model of Braddock communication with the seven components in it that communicator communications, messaging, media, communicant, situation, goals, and effects. These results indicate that the BKKBN representatives of West Sumatera province using local media in West Sumatera to promote the program GenRe. The media is Above the Line (ATL), such as newspapers, television and radio; Bellow the Line (BTL) as outdoor media, and New Media. However, the use of new media is very minimal, not too take advantage of social media. Besides representatives BKKBN West Sumatra province also establish how the media strategy and message strategy in promotional activities of this program.

Keywords: GenRe; BKKBN West Sumatera; ATL; BTL and New Media;

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Author Biography

Engga Probi Endri, University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

University of Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia


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