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This research aims to determine the forming of organizational climate and culture due to the leadership style applied in ARD GROUP that engaged in Corporate and Marketing Communication. By using the type of qualitative research, data collection is done by conducting direct observation and interviews with selected informants with purposive sampling method. The results show that the leadership style of ARD GROUP that embraces Theory Y, employee oriented style and participating style create organizational climate and culture in interrelated way. Organizational climate of ARD GROUP can be seen as having high degree of responsibility, high expectation about the quality of work done, recognition and reward while doing good work, friendly and good team spirit, also environment that gives employees its freedom yet still holds responsibility. Meanwhile the organizational culture is implemented based on “work hard, work sincere and work smart†and the existence of weekly gathering as rituals, also fun and informal practices.
Keywords: leadership style; leadership; organizational culture; organizational climate

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Author Biographies

Dian Sophia Ulfa, Communication Management Studies, Jakarta, Universitas Indonesia

Communication Management Studies, Jakarta, Universitas Indonesia

Ummi Salamah, Communication Management Studies, Jakarta, Universitas Indonesia

Communication Management Studies, Jakarta, Universitas Indonesia


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