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The use of pesticides is still considered behind a great benefit for increasing agricultural production. Quite high negative impact of the use of synthetic pesticides to encourage efforts to pursue the empowerment of natural pesticide as alternative to synthetic pesticides. On tobacco and leaves of mahkota dewa found a substance alkaloid that can help ward off attacks, especially armyworm. Has conducted research utilization of waste residual tobacco cigarette manufacturing at a company and leaves of mahkota dewa as a natural pesticide to eradicate the armyworm. The residual tobacco cigarette manufacturing and leaves of mahkota dewa isolated manner extracted with an organic solvent so that the resulting crude extract alkaloids. The resulting crude alkaloid used as a pesticide solution sprayed on the leaves of chili to eradicate the pest armyworms. Test result showed that the insecticidal activity of alkaloid extract concentration of 1,6 ppm has the highest insecticidal activity. However, engaging both the alkaloid extract provides insecticidal activity is lower than the alkaloid extract of leaves of mahkota dewa so that the most effective in the use of alkaloid extract of leaves of mahkota dewa. Identification of the alkaloid compounds have been analyzed by TLC. This analysis showed that compound in waste of tobacco cigarette manufacture is nicotine and triterpenoids whereas the alkaloid extract of the leaves of mahkota dewa form of narcotic


natural pesticides alkaloids armyworm tobacco leaves of mahkota dewa

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How to Cite
Cahyati, C., Marlina, M. M., Nurlestari, R. N., lestari, I. D. P., & Julianto, T. S. (2016). Utilization of Waste Extracts Residual Tobacco Cigarette Manufacturing and Leaves of Mahkota Dewa as a Natural Pesticide for Pest Control Armyworms in Chili Plant. EKSAKTA: Journal of Sciences and Data Analysis, 16(2), 70–79.


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