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Previous literature discussed financing's impact on performance without separating the financing model.
This study uses the consumptive financing data of Islamic commercial banks, inflation rate, and population as independent variables, and the GRDP of 33 provinces in Indonesia as the dependent variable.
The study used Indonesia and Malaysia banks for its pioneering efforts in establishing Islamic banking in Southeast Asia. The study collects data from five Indonesian and four Malaysian Islamic banks, with an observation period of 2011–2020. The data analysis used in this study was the Generalized Method of Moment (GMM).
The results of this study explain that the consumptive financing of Islamic commercial banks has a negative insignificant effect on GRDP in Indonesia, the inflation rate has a negative insignificant effect on GRDP in Indonesia, and the population has a positive and significant impact on GRDP in Indonesia. Consumptive credit in conventional banks and consumptive financing in Islamic banks account for more than 45% of total financing.
The Indonesian Financial Services Authority should adopt policies to maintain the growth of Islamic Bank productive financing, that is, working capital and investment financing, because Islamic bank consumptive financing has a negative effect on GRDP in Indonesia
This study has a unique feature compared with previous studies that use consumptive financing at Islamic banks with inflation and population variables to analyze the contribution of the local economy to gross regional domestic product.


consumptive credit consumptive financing gross regional domestic product Indonesia Islamic bank

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How to Cite
Putri, C. S., Herianingrum, S., Ramadhanty, R. P., Zubaid, N. L., & Timur, Y. P. (2023). Relationship between Islamic bank consumptive financing and gross regional domestic product in Indonesia, 2016-2020. Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba, 9(1), 97–114.


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