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Latar Belakang: GreenSupply Chain Management (GSCM)merupakan suatu model bisnis rantai pasok produk yang sangat berkorelasi dengan implementasi prinsip pengembangan yang berkelanjutan terhadap praktik bisnis dengan memperhatikan aspek lingkungan. GSCM mencakup desain dan produksi ramah lingkungan serta fungsi teknologi dalam pendaurulangan. 

Tujuan:Tujuan utama dari model rantai pasok ini adalah untuk meminimalisir konsumsi sumber daya dan pengaruh buruk terhadap lingkungan. 

Metode: Tinjauan literatur ini berfokus pada metode, alat ukur penilaian, dan solusi yang dapat diterapkan pada model GSCMditinjau dari perspektif industrial dan manajemen. 

Hasil: Hasil menunjukkan bahwa nilai tekanan regulasi sebesar 3,28/5,00 (tidak memikirkan) berbanding 3,01/5,00 untuk tekanan rantai pasok. Data yang diperoleh dari Global Intelligence Alliance juga menyatakan bahwa ketegasan regulasi mengenai lingkungan di Indonesia masih sangat rendah dengan nilai 2,8/7,0.

Kesimpulan: Kerangka kerja model rantai pasok GSCM sangat penting diterapkan di Indonesia untuk dapat meminimalisir dampak buruk yang disebabkan dari rangkaian proses bisnis industri farmasi terhadap lingkungan. Diperlukan tindakan implementasi GSCM pada tahap pra-produksi, produksi, dan pasca produksi yang komprehensif dan konsisten oleh industri farmasi di Indonesia. Diperlukannya juga peningkatan kepatuhan akan regulasi yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah mengenai rencana aksi nasional pada aspek lingkungan hidup.

Kata Kunci :GreenSupply Chain Management (GSCM), Industri Farmasi, Lingkungan

Implementation of green supply chain management (GSCM) in the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia: feasibility analysis and case studies


Background: Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) is a business model for product supply chain that is strongly correlated with the implementation of the principle of sustainable development for business practices by having regard for environmental aspects. GSCM includes environmentally friendly design and production as well as the functions of technology in recycling.

Objective: The main objective of supply chain model is to minimize resource consumption and adverse environmental effects. 

Methods: This literature review focused on methods, assessment tools, and solutions that could be applied to the GSCM model from an industrial and management perspective.

Results: The results showed that the regulatory pressure index was 3.28/5.00 (not thinking of it) compared to 3.01/5.00 of supply chain pressure. Data obtained from the Global Intelligence Alliance also indicated that the strictness of regulations regarding the environment in Indonesia remained extremely low with a value of 2.8/7.0.

Conclusion: The framework of GSCM supply chain model is crucial to be applied in Indonesia to minimize the adverse environmental effects caused by the business process chain of pharmaceutical industry. Comprehensive and consistent implementation of GSCM is required in the stages of pre-production, production, and post-production in the pharmaceutical industry in Indonesia. It is also necessary to improve adherence to regulations specified by the government regarding the national action plans on environmental aspects.

Keywords: Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM), pharmaceutical industry, environment

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