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Technological developments and advances have impacted the advancement of legal services performed by notaries, these services are known as the concept of cyber notary. The application of the cyber notary concept in Indonesia cannot be realized due to the absence of further regulations and limitations in guaranteeing legal certainty regarding the matter. Therefore the researcher formulates two problems: first, what are the limitations on the application of the concept of cyber notary in the Indonesian legal practices? Second, what is the form of legal certainty that should be fastened on the application and utilization of the cyber notary concept in Indonesia? The research method used is normative juridical with literature study. The results of the study concluded that there are legal limitations for notaries in utilizing the cyber notary concept by looking at the applicable legal provisions and guaranteeing the validity of these legal documents and the need for arrangements in an implementing regulation to ensure legal certainty regarding the implementation and utilization of the cyber notary concept in Indonesia
Key Word: Cyber notary, legal certainty

Perkembangan dan kemajuan teknologi memiliki dampak pada kemajuan pelayanan hukum yang dilakukan oleh notaris, pelayanan tersebut dikenal dengan konsep cyber notary. Penerapan konsep cyber notary di Indonesia belum dapat terealisasi karena belum adanya pengaturan lebih lanjut dan batasan dalam menjamin kepastian hukum mengenai hal tersebut. Oleh karena itu peneliti merumuskan 2 rumusan masalah, pertama, bagaimana batasan penerapan konsep cyber notary dalam praktek hukum di Indonesia? Kedua, bagaimana bentuk kepastian hukum terhadap penerapan dan pemanfaatan konsep cyber notary di Indonesia? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan, pertama, terdapat batasan hukum bagi notaris dalam memanfaatkan konsep cyber notary dengan melihat pada ketentuan hukum yang berlaku dan menjamin keabsahan dokumen hukum tersebut. Kedua, perlu adanya pengaturan dalam suatu aturan pelaksana dalam menjamin kepastian hukum terhadap pelaksanaan dan pemanfaatan konsep cyber notary di Indonesia.
Kata-kata Kunci: Cyber notary, kepastian hukum


Cyber notary legal certainty

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How to Cite
Indah Sugiarti. (2023). Kepastian Hukum Terhadap Penerapan Dan Pemanfaatan Konsep Cyber Notary Di Indonesia. Officium Notarium, 2(1), 13–20.


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