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Indonesia's Supreme Court (MA) has started a new initiative by applying modern technology to the justice system through e-court. This new measure is a sign that the court responds the development in information technology while improving the quality of legal administration which has long been considered complicated by those seeking justice. This article raises a problem related to the implementation of the e-court system. This article uses a normative approach by obtaining data from various reports and books to be analyzed further and presented descriptively. It tries to explore whether the implementation of e-court has an impact on the efficiency of the administration of legal proceedings as well as an increase in transparency in the process of seeking justice and encouraging professional, transparent, accountable, effective and efficient justice administration

Keywords: Access to justice; e-court; modern court

Memperluas Akses Keadilan Melalui E-Court Di Indonesia


Mahkamah Agung (MA) Indonesia telah memulai inisiatif baru dengan menerapkan teknologi modern pada sistem peradilan melalui e-court. Langkah baru ini merupakan tanda bahwa pengadilan merespon perkembangan teknologi dan informasi sekaligus meningkatkan kualitas administrasi hukum yang selama ini dianggap rumit oleh pencari keadilan. Tulisan ini mengangkat permasalahan terkait penerapan sistem e-court. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan normatif dengan memperoleh data dari berbagai laporan dan buku untuk dianalisis lebih lanjut dan disajikan secara deskriptif. Penelitian ini mencoba menelusuri apakah penerapan e-court berdampak pada efisiensi penyelenggaraan proses hukum serta peningkatan transparansi dalam proses mencari keadilan dan mendorong penyelenggaraan peradilan yang profesional, transparan, akuntabel, efektif dan efisien.

Kata kunci: Akses ke Pengadilan; E-Court; Pengadilan Moderen


Access to justice e-court modern court

Article Details

How to Cite
Santiadi, K. (2019). Expanding Access To Justice Through E-Court In Indonesia. Prophetic Law Review, 1(1), 75–89.


  1. Books
  2. Fabri, Marco, ‘The Italian Style of E-Justice in Comparative Perspective’ in Agusti Cerrillo i Martinez and Pere Fabra i Abat (eds), E-Justice: Using Information Communication Technologies in the Court System (Hershey 2009)
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  4. Reiling, Dory, Technology for Justice: How Information Technology Can Support Judicial Reform (Leiden University Press 2009)
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  6. Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, Laporan Tahunan (Mahkamah Agung RI 2018)
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  8. Syam, Nina Winangsih, Komunikasi Peradaban (PT Remaja Rosdakarya 2014)
  9. Journals
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  12. Voermans, Wim, ‘Judicial Transparency Furthering Public Accountability for New Judiciaries’ (2007) 3 (1) Utrecht Law Review < > accessed 4 April 2019
  13. Legislation
  14. Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation No. 1 of 2019 on Administration of Cases and Trials in the Electronic Court
  15. Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation No. 3 of 2018 on Case Administration in the Electronic Court
  16. Decree of the Chief Justice of Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia No. 129/KMA/VIII/2019 on Technical Instructions for Case Administration and Electronic Trials
  17. Decree of the Director General of Military Courts and Administrative Courts of the Republic of Indonesia No. 307/Djmt/Kep/5/2018 on Instructions for Implementing Regulations
  18. Websites
  19. Mardatillah, Aida, ‘Seberapa Puas Publik Terhadap Lembaga Peradilan? Ini Dia Hasilnya’ (28 May 2019) < > accessed 31 May 2019
  20. Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, ‘Era Baru Menuju Badan Peradilan yang Modern’ (27 December 2018) < > accessed 3 April 2019
  21. Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, ‘Aparatur Pengadilan Harus Malayani Sepenuh Hati’ (28 August 2017) < > accessed 4 April 2019
  22. Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, ‘Di Family Court Australia, Ini yang Dipelajari Inovator Pengadilan’ (6 December 2016) < > accessed 4 April 2019
  23. Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia, ‘Cetak Biru Pembaharuan Peradilan 2010-2035’ (October 2010) < > accessed 8 April 2019