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TVRI still faces an identity crisis between representing the public interest with the interests of power. The influence of power remains strong even though TVRI has been established as public service broadcasting since 2002. This article tries to analyze the political and structural issues that interfere the transformation of TVRI as public service broadcasting. Various conflicts of interest, especially from the government and parliament eventually obstruct TVRI to act as a public broadcaster in the real sense.

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Author Biography

Retno Intani, LPP TVRI Periode 2006-2011; Universitas Moestopo

Anggota Dewan Pengawas LPP TVRI Periode 2006-2011; Dosen di Universitas Moestopo
How to Cite
Intani, R. (2016). Transformasi LPP TVRI di Tengah Pergolakan Politik dan Struktural. Jurnal Komunikasi, 7(2), 141–162. Retrieved from