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In order to develop and manage science and technology as well as research, the competence of Masters graduates (S2) can be increased through the availability of e-resources collections in the library and students' information literacy skills. The problem of the influence of collection of e-resources and information literacy on the competence of Master graduates (S2) needs to be done with the aim of knowing: 1) The high value of e-resources, information literacy and competence of Master graduates (S2). 2) The relationship between e-resources and information literacy and 3) The significant value and influence of e-resources and information literacy on the competence of Master graduates (S2) partially or simultaneously. This quantitative research consists of 2 independent variables, namely e-resources and information literacy with the dependent variable competence of Masters graduates (S2) with the number of samples taken by probability sampling. Data were analyzed with multiple linear regression, F test method, t test and determinant test (R2). The results of the study can be concluded that the availability of electronic resources (e-resources) has a significant relationship with information literacy skills. This relationship alone (partially) has a significant effect on making a relative contribution to the competence of Master graduates (S2). Likewise simultaneously (simultaneously) has a significant influence in making an effective contribution to the competence of Masters graduates (S2) by 13.1%.
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Adeniran, P. O., & Onuoha, U. D. (2018). Influence of Information Literacy Skills on Postgraduate Students’ Use of Electronic Resources in Private University Libraries in South-West, Nigeria. Communications and Network, 10(04), 164–179.
Akpojotor, L. O. (2016). Awareness and usage of electronic information resources among postgraduate students of library and information science in Southern Nigeria. Library Philosophy and Practice, 9(1).
Ristekdikti, Menteri. 2015.“Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia.”
Indonesia. 2020.“Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 Tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi.”
Indonesia. 2012. Peraturan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 8 Tahun 2012 Tentang Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia. Jakarta.
Sunaryanto. 2020. “Artikel Penelitian Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kebutuhan Kompetensi Terhadap Pekerjaan (Tracer Study Terhadap Lulusan Stiddi Al-Hikmah).” STIDDI Al-Hikmah.
Leon, Ramona-Diana, Andrei-Ştefan Neştian, and Panaite Nica. 2015. “The Impact of Information Sources on the Quality Values Promoted in the Romanian Universities.” Procedia Economics and Finance 20(15):342–49. doi: 10.1016/s2212-5671(15)00082-9.
Lalrokhawma. 2018. “Use and Satisfaction With Library Resources and Services By Teachers and Students in Colleges of Lunglei District : An Evaluative Study.” MIZORAM UNIVERSITY.
Yap, Jiun Soong, and Jully Tan. 2022. “Lifelong Learning Competencies among Chemical Engineering Students at Monash University Malaysia during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Education for Chemical Engineers 38(October 2021):60–69. doi: 10.1016/j.ece.2021.10.004.
Saputra, Jonathan, and Dyah Nurwidyaningrum. 2022. “Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kompetensi Lulusan Melalui Tracer Study Prodi D4 Teknik Konstruksi Gedung PNJ The Analysis of Impacting f Actors of Alumni ’ s Competency from Tracer Study of D4 Teknik Konstruksi Gedung PNJ Study Program.” 10(1):1–9. doi:
Liu, Yang, Yue Yin, and Ruilin Wu. 2020. “Measuring Graduate Students’ Global Competence: Instrument Development and an Empirical Study with a Chinese Sample.” Studies in Educational Evaluation 67(July):100915. doi: 10.1016/j.stueduc.2020.100915.
Widyanto, Sigit. 2017. “Pengaruh Kemampuan Membaca Pemahaman Terhadap Kemampuan Menyelesaikan Soal Cerita Matematika Siswa Kelas V SD.” Jurnal Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar VI(3):257–68.
Dunn, Kathel, Joanne Gard Marshall, Amber L. Wells, and Joyce E. B. Backus. 2017. “Examining the Role of MEDLINE as a Patient Care Information Resource: An Analysis of Data from the Value of Libraries Study.” Journal of the Medical Library Association 105(4):336–47. doi: 10.5195/JMLA.2017.87.
Judha, Mohamad, Adi Sucipto, Tia Amestiasih, and Siti Fadlilah. 2019. “Analisa Faktor Pencapaian Kompetensi Mahasiswa Ners Unriyo Di RSUD Dr Moewardi Surakarta.” Jurnal Keperawatan 8(2):48–60. doi: 10.29238.
Lukmanulhakim, and Dan Lenny Stia Pusporini. 2018. “Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Capaian Kelulusan Uji Kompetensi Ners Mahasiswa Program Profesi Ners.” Cakrawala Pendidikan 37(2):306–20.
Hosain, Md Sajjad, Mohitul Ameen Ahmed Mustafi, and Tania Parvin. 2021. “Factors Affecting the Employability of Private University Graduates: An Exploratory Study on Bangladeshi Employers.” PSU Research Review 2(Juni). doi: 10.1108/prr-01-2021-0005.
Nurmayuli. 2020. “Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru.” Jurnal Ilmu Kesejahteraan Sosial HUMANITAS 2(2):33–52.
Wikoff, Karin. 2012. Electronic Resources Management in the Academic Library: A Professional Guide. California: Libraries Unlimited.
Akpojotor, Lucky Oji. 2016. “Awareness and Usage of Electronic Information Resources among Postgraduate Students of Library and Information Science in Southern Nigeria.” Library Philosophy and Practice 9(1).
Lasa, and Uminurida Suciati. 2017. Kamus Kepustakawanan Indonesia Edisi 4. Yogyakarta: Calpullis.
Coonan, Emma, Jacqueline Geekie, Stéphane Goldstein, Lisa Jeskins, Rosie Jones, Rowena Macrae-Gibson, Jane Secker, and Geoff Walton. 2018. “CILIP Definition of Information Literacy 2018.” Pp. 1–8 in CILIP Information Literacy Group. England: The Library and information association.
Hisle, David; Webb, Kathryn. 2017. Information Literacy Concepts. Joyner Library, ECU.
Pilerot, Ola. 2018. “Information Literacy – an Overview.” Digital Literacies for Learning 20(1):80–88. doi: 10.17051/ilkonline.2021.01.465.
Septiyantono, Tri. 2014. Materi Pokok Literasi Informasi; 1-9; PUST4314. Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka.