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The Qur’anic Self-Development (PDQ)-Ta'lim Program is one of the student activities that must be followed by diploma and bachelor program students in Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). The implementation of PDQ is coordinated by each faculty which is carried out for 4 semesters with 12 meetings for each semester. After carrying out PDQ activities, it is necessary to know the student profiles that can be used as the basis for policy making in the implementation of PDQ activities in the next period. In order to find out the profile of students after participating in PDQ activities, it is necessary to group these students based on related variables. This study uses the ROCK method to group students participating in the PDQ Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) UII batch 2020. The ROCK method is a robust agglomerative hierarchical-clustering algorithm based on the notion of links. The ROCK method is a suitable clustering method for grouping data with categorical variables. Based on the results of the analysis of the ROCK method of student data for the batch 2020 FMIPA UII, obtained three optimum clusters (k=3) at a threshold value of θ of 0.20. Threshold 0.20 has the smallest SW/SB ratio value of 0.0514 or 5.14% and the largest R-squared value is 61.76% compared to other thresholds.


Clustering, Categorical Variables, PDQ Participants, ROCK

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How to Cite
Yotenka, R., & dini, sekti kartika. (2022). Clustering of PDQ Participant Student in Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UII using the ROCK Method . EKSAKTA: Journal of Sciences and Data Analysis, 3(2).


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