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The Preamble of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia explicitly states that the main task of the government of the Republic of Indonesia is to advance general prosperity, to develop the nation's intellectual life, and to realize social justice for all Indonesian people. Social inequality is a problem that is still faced by Indonesian people today. To solve the problem required supporting data analysis as a basis for policy formulation. This research was conducted with the aim of clustering provinces in Indonesia based on community welfare indicators using K-Means cluster analysis. K-Means cluster analysis is chosen based on the variance value (0.101), which is smaller than the variance value in the average linkage cluster analysis (0.152). Based on data analysis, provinces in Indonesia are clustered into three where the first cluster consists of 21 provinces, the second cluster consists of 3 provinces, and the third cluster consists of 10 provinces. Each cluster has different characteristics that can be of concern to the parties concerned to overcome the social welfare gap. Besides, in order cluster results are more easily understood, visualization of results is added with a Geographic Information System (GIS) using Indonesian maps accompanied by differences in color gradations for each cluster


Average Linkage Clustering Clustering GIS K-Means Public Welfare

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How to Cite
Dini, S. K., & Fauzan, A. (2020). Clustering Provinces in Indonesia based on Community Welfare Indicators. EKSAKTA: Journal of Sciences and Data Analysis, 20(1), 56–63.


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