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This paper discusses Ali Shariati's thinking and his intellectual background as an activist and catalyst for the rise and revolutionary consciousness of Iranian society that set in motion the Islamic revolution and its socio-political changes in 1979. The study is focused on his writings on Marxism. The method used in this study is a literature review with a conceptual and historical approach to text interpretation. The study's findings show the power of the dialectic formulated by Shariati in expressing the humanism and mysticism of Islam and its metaphysical views that reject the deviant views of atheism, communism, materialism and Marxism. His impressive political idealism emphasizes the moral and socio-religious strength of Islam in upholding the universal values of equality and principles of humanity and its spirit of liberation over the depravity and weakness of Marxist theory and its fundamental weakness in the moral and practical order
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Copyright (c) 2025 Ahmad Amir Nabil, Tasnim Abdul Rahman

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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Abed Kanaaneh. "Ali Shari'ati: Islamizing Socialism and Socializing Islam." Left History: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Historical Inquiry and Debate Vol. 24, No. 1 (2021), 45-64.
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Akhmad Azmir Zahara. "Man in Ali Shariati's Thought". Undergraduate Dissertation, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University, Yogyakarta, 2011.
Ali Rahnema, An Islamic Utopian A Political Biography of Ali Shari'ati. London New York: I.B. Tauris Publishers, 2000.
Amien Rais. The Task of Muslim Scholars, translation of Man and Islam by Ali Shariati. Mashhad: University of Mashhad Press, 1982.
Amir, A. Nabil, Ali Shariati and the Idealism of His Struggle (April 8, 2012). Accessed from the site:
Azra, Azyumardi. "Ali Shariati: The History of the Future of the Ummah and the Roots of Iranian Ideology" in Contemporary Islamic Historiography: A Discourse of Actuality and Historical Actors. Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2002.
Bayat, Assef. "Shari'ati and Marx: A Critique of an "Islamic" Critique of Marxism". Alif: Journal of Comparative Poetics, 10 (1990), 19-41.
Byrd, D. J. Seyed Javad Miri (ed.). Ali Shariati and the Future of Social Theory: Religion, Revolution, and the Role of Intellectual. Leiden: Brill, 2017.
Dabashi, Hamid. Theology of Discontent: The Ideological Foundation of the Islamic Revolution in Iran. New Brunswick and London: Transaction Publishers, 2006.
Dabashi, Hamid. Shi'ism: A Religion of Protest. Cambridge: The Belknap Press, 2011.
Elfi, Ghazali Siregar. "Islam and Marxism from Tan Malaka's Perspective." Journal of Ash-Syukriyyah, Vol. 25, No. 2 (2024): 1323-1341.
Endut, Ramze. "Ali Shariati and Morteza Mutahhari's Ideological Influences on Intellectual Discourse and Activism in Indonesia", 9th Regional Workshop of the API Fellowships. Japan: The Nippon Foundation Fellowships, 2011.
Kingshuk Chatterjee, 'Ali Shari'ati and the Shaping of Political Islam in Iran. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
Lili Pratiwi. "Liberal and Rational Islam: A Study on the Reform of Ali Shariati's Thought". Paper, Sultan Syarif Kasim State Islamic University, Riau, 2014.
Liki Faizal, Abd. Qohar, Ali Abdul Wakhid. "An Analysis of Ali Shariati's Thoughts on Contemporary Islamic Government". Filter Journal: Binoculars of Islamic Political Aspirations, 17, 1 (2021), 27-41.
Malik Mohammad Tariq. "Ali Shariati's View of Islamic Modernity." The Dialogue, vol. VIII, No. 3 (2013), 335-345.
Mohd Shaiful Ramze Endut @ Aqil Fitri. Ali Shariati's Dialectics of Religion. World Congress for Islamic History and Civilization, University of Malaya, 2011.
Muhammad Adress Prawira Negara, Muhlas. "Principles of Humanism According to Ali Shari'ati". Journal of Religious Research, vol. 3, no. 2 (2023), 357-371.
Muhammad Al-Bahiy. Islamic thought. Terj by Bambang Saiful Ma'arif, introduction. Hidayat Nataatmadja. Bandung: Risalah Bandung, 1985.
Muhammad Amin, Neelam Bano. "Implications of Ali Sharīatī's Political Thought for Iranian Revolution." Journal of Islamic Thought and Civilization, vol. 5, Issue II (Fall 2015), 56-67.
Norfarahani Rosman, Mohd Shaukhi Mohd Radzi. "Ali Syarīatī: His Thoughts and Ideas on the Concept of Rausyanfik." Borneo Arkhailogia Journal, vol. 5, No. I (2020), 27-43.
Norfarahani, Rosman. "The Concept of Cultural Alienation According to Frantz Fanon and Ali Shariati in Algeria and Iran (1954-1977)". Master's Thesis, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Malaysia Sabah, 2023.
Nurrochman. "Islam and Socialism: An Analysis of the Thought of Ali Syarīatī." Wahana Akademika, vol. 1, No. 1 (2014), 41-58.
Rakhmat, Jalaluddin, Ali Shariati: The Ideology of Intellectuals. Bandung: Mizan Publishers, 1984.
Sachedina, A.A. "Activist Shi'ism In Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon", in: Marty & Appleby, edts., Fundamentalisms Observed. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991.
Sachedina, A.A. "Ali Shariati: Ideologue Of The Iranian Revolution", in: Esposito, ed., Voices Of Resurgent Islam. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983.
Shariati, Ali. About Islamic Sociology, translated by Saifullah Mahyudin. Yogyakarta: Ananda, 1982.
Shari'ati, Ali. What is to be Done: The Enlightened Thinkers and an Islamic Renaissance. Farhang Rajee (pny.). Texas: Institute for Research and Islamic Studies, 1986.
Shari'ati, Ali. Hajj, tr. by Behzadnia & Denny. Ohio: Free Islamic Literatures Inc., 1977.
Shari'ati, Ali. On The Sociology Of Islam. Terj by Algar, H. Berkeley: Mizan Press, 1979.
Shariati, Ali. Ali Khamenei. Iqbal, Manifestation of the Islamic Spirit: Two Contemporary Muslim Views, translated from Persian by Mahliqa Qara'i and Laleh Bakhtiar. Canada: Open Press, 1991.
Shariati, Ali. Humanism between Islam and the Western School. Terj. Afif Muhammad. Bandung: Hidayah Library, 1992.
Shariati, Ali. Religion vs Religion. USA, Chicago: Kazi Publication, 1993.
Shariati, Ali. Islamic Criticism of Marxism and Other Western Misconceptions. Terj. Husni Anis al-Habsyi, the introduction of M. Dawam Rahardjo. Bandung: Mizan, 1996.
Shariati, Ali. Hajj. Terj. Anas Mahyuddin. Bandung: Pustaka Bandung, 2000.
Shariati, Ali. The Paradigm of the Oppressed: A Study of Islamic Sociology, translated by Saifullah Mahyudin, Husen Hashem. Introduction to Hamid Algar. Jakarta: AL-HUDA, 2001.
Saifullah. Tawhid, Imamah and Western Civilization: Tracing Ali Shariati's Thoughts. Ushuluddin Journal, Vol. 2 (2002): 70-71.
Siti Syamsiyatul Ummah. "Ali Shari'ati's Liberation Theology (Study of Humanism in Islam)". Ishlah: Journal of Ushuluddin Science, Adab and Da'wah, Vol. 2, No.2 (2020), 179-202.
Supriyadi, Eko. Islamic Socialism: Ali Shariati's Thoughts. Yogyakarta: Rausyan Fikr Institute, 2010.
Syed Hussein Alatas, The Perfect Heart of Historical Heritage. Bangi: The National University of Malaysia Press, 2001.
Thomas, E.H. "Ali Shari'ati On The Role Of The Muslim Woman". The Muslim World, LXXXI (1991), 1-8.