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Consumers are increasingly aware and concerned about the quality and safety of food products. In order to maintain the quality of food products produced and to be able to compete with similar industries and reduce risks in production, it is necessary to have basic requirements that must be met in an industry, such as production requirements, building requirements, location, and production facilities and equipment and employees. These requirements can be met by implementing GMP or Good Manufacturing Practice.

This service is important to carry out in ensuring the food produced is healthy, safe, and can be consumed by the community. The implementation of this service is by providing assistance to the implementation of GMP to improve the quality standards of the products produced. The purpose of this service is to assist the food industry in implementing GMP in food processing. The implementation of this community service consists of several stages, including: observation and interviews, problem analysis, and assistance in implementing GMP.

The herbal medicine business is an industry engaged in the food and beverage sector. In this industry, it is required not only to produce products that are pleasing to the tongue but also to pay attention to the quality of the products produced. The implementation of this assistance further helps partners in maintaining the quality of the products produced. Previously, partners did not have knowledge of GMP so that with this assistance partners understood the principles of GMP, namely in terms of product safety and hygiene so that they are suitable for consumption.


safety GMP hygiene herbal medicine

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