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Electronic money emerges as micro payment instrument in which it enables faster, easier, safer and more efficient payment process. Even though it offers many advantages, its appropriateness to maqasid al-sharia needs to be further disucssed. Thus, it is very imporant to judge whether e-money has been in line with Islamic values or not. The method used in this research was qualitative method in which literature studies were performed. The result generally suggested that e-money had not violated maqasid al-sharia. This congruity was taken as it did not contravene the principles of wealth management and usefulness in Islam. However, unregistered e-money was judged not in line with maqasid al-sharia because it might create disadvantages when it was stolen or lost. It was due to the fact that unregistered e-money was not equipped with password. Thus, the use of unregistered e-money should be better avoided.

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How to Cite
Muamar, A., & Alparisi, A. S. (2017). Electronic money (e-money) in maqashid al-sharia perspective. Journal of Islamic Economics Lariba, 3(2), 75–84. Retrieved from


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