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Background: Specific diarrhea is one of the digestive system diseases that occurs in 1.8 million of the world's population characterized by the frequency of defecation, with liquid consistency, blood velocity.

Objective: to invite the response of diarrhea excavation in patients with specific diarrhea hospitalization in Banten Province Private Hospital

Method: The study was conducted in a retrospective descriptive manner with cross-sectional design. Data was taken from 105 inpatients taken in medical records from 2013-2014. Subject data were take from adult patients 18-60 years with a specific diagnosis in the inpatient ward of Banten Province Private Hospital.

Results: Distribution of subjects with the highest diarrhea age> 40 years in both men and women,> 30% of positive mucous blood stools about leukocytes. The most antidiarrheal types consisted of electrolyte fluid (71.4% Ringer Lactate), single anti diarrhea (attapulgite 52.38%), combination anti diarrhea (attapulgite and loperamide 18.09%), quinolone antibiotic (ciprofloxacin 21.9%). Treatment given to diarrhea patients.

Conclusion: The treatment used is Ringer Lactate (RL), attapulgite, combination of attapulgite and loperamide, and ciprofloxacin responding well to the comparison of the frequency of diarrhea in patients with specific diarrhea in Banten Province Private Hospital.

Keywords: Response to treatment, specific diarrhea, decrease frequency of diarrhea



Latar belakang: Diare spesifik merupakan salah satu penyakit sistem pencernaan yang terjadi pada 1,8 juta penduduk dunia ditandai dengan meningkatnya frekuensi buang air besar, dengan konsistensi cair, disertai darah.

Tujuan: Menilai respon penggobatan diare pada pasien diare spesifik rawat inap di RS Swasta provinsi Banten

Metode: Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif retrospektif dengan rancangan potong-lintang. Data diambil dari 105 pasien rawat inap yang tercantum dalam rekam medik tahun 2013-2014. Data subjek uji yang diambil meliputi usia pasien dewasa 18-60 tahun dengan diagnosa diare spesifik di bangsal rawat inap RS Swasta provinsi Banten.

Hasil: Distribusi subjek uji diare spesifik terbanyak usia >40 tahun baik pada laki-laki dan perempuan, > 30% positif feses berlendir berdarah terdapat leukosit. Jenis antidiare terbanyak yang digunakan berupa cairan elektrolit (Ringer Laktat 71.4%), antidiare tunggal (attapulgite 52,38%), antidiare kombinasi (attapulgite dan loperamide 18,09%), antibiotik kuinolon (siprofloksasin 21,9%). Pengobatan yang diberikan pada pasien diare spesifik berespon baik terhadap penurunan frekuensi diare diamati dari mulai pasien masuk rumah sakit hingga pasien menyelesaikan pengobatan. 

Kesimpulan: Pengobatan yang digunakan yaitu Ringer Laktat (RL), attapulgite, kombinasi attapulgite dan loperamide, serta siprofloksasin berespon baik terhadap penurunan frekuensi diare pada pasien diare spesifik di RS Swasta Provinsi Banten.

Kata kunci: Respon pengobatan, diare spesifik, penurunan frekuensi diare


Article Details

Author Biography

Chynthia Pradiftha Sari, Universitas Islam Indonesia

Department of Pharmacy

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