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Purple ginger (Zingiber Purpureum Roxb.) could be use as therapy for ascariasis. The
anthelmintic activity test by in vitro has been tested to get the validity of the effect. The main
components of the test is powder of purple ginger rhizoma which had been extracted by
percolation method with ethanol and maseration method with kloroform. Anthelmintic test had been
done by immersion method. The Ascaridia galli Schrank was soak in natrium chloride 0,9 %,
pyrantel 0,125 %, extract ethanol 0,702 %, 1,404 %, 2,808 %, 5,616 % and exstract kloroform
0,644 %, 1,288 %, 2,576 %, 5,152 %. From the test it could be concluded that the extract has the
anthelmintic effect. The result evolution had been done by one way ANOVA method (P<0,05) which
had been followed by Dunnet’s test, orthogonal polynomial contrast and probit analysis. The result
of ANOVA test showed that each treatment had giving significant difference (P= 0,000 < 0,05).
Ortogonal polynomial contrast with ethanol extract showed consentration optimum is 3,909 % and
total worm’s death average is 5,458 and kloroform extract showed consentration optimum is 3,95%
and total worm’s death average is 3,334. Probit analysis had been resulted LC50 was 0,73806 %
and kloroform exstract 0,02858. Later, thin layer chromatography result showed the extract contain
of saponin, tannin and alkaloids.

Key-word : Zingiber purpureum Roxb., Ascaridia galli Schrank, Anthelmintic.

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