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Many reserach and surveys have been conducted to find out the types and levels of moral
decadence among Indonesian youth. The objective of the current study is to show this
phenomenon and to investigate whether parenting styles are related to the increased or
decreased of incidences of moral decadence. The next focus is to relate the concept of Adab (an
Islamic ethics) as defined by Al Ghazali to effective parenting styles that may reduce moral
decadence among youth. The method used is qualitative method based on focus group
discussion among parents in order to find out parenting styles applied in their families. In
addition, document analysis is also used such as published official data, and reserach reports.
The findings showed that there is relationship between parenting styles and moral decadence
among youth. The researcher suggested that effective parenting styles should be related to
teaching of Adab.


moral decadence youth parenting styles Adab.

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How to Cite
Ningrum, D. (2018). Kemerosotan Moral Di Kalangan Remaja: Sebuah penelitian Mengenai Parenting Styles dan Pengajaran Adab. Unisia, 37(82), 18–30. Retrieved from
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