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The aim of writingthis paper is to discuss the effect of Islamic personality toward
leadership quality. Individual that has Islamic personality will give effect on the leadership
quality especially in the way he manages the members or the group. This paper will discuss in
detail the scope of the Islamic personality, factors that affect the formation of the Islamic
personality, personality aspects of islam and its effect on the quality of the leadership of the
Islamic personality of a person. Good personality has been described in the Quran and
exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad to form a good personality. Islamic personality is an
ideal illustration for moslem individuals who can run with good religion. The Islamic
personality ultimately shapes the powerful character and ultimately affects the quality of
leadership of the individual him/herself. The quality of individual leadership to the organization
he leads can be seen from the social maturity, emotional maturity, good interpersonal
relationship, ability to solve problems, and accuracy in making decisions. Basically, the quality
of leadership is strongly influenced by a good personality and Islamic personality is the key for
individuals in developing the quality of life, including in terms of leadership.


Islamic personality leadership quality

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How to Cite
Paryontri, R. A. (2018). Kepribadian Islami dan Kualitas Kepemimpinan. Unisia, 37(82), 57–67. Retrieved from
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