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The role of syari’ah obligation (sukuk) has been prospective, due to the fact that at present
people may own certificates of obligation without having to own huge amount of money.
Nevertheless, investors must remain to be careful before deciding to invest in this area of
business. This is due to the fact that apart from being new area, the issuance of sukuk is
also still dominated by the conventional issuers. Therefore, Moslems who want to invest
should consider: the agreements between investors and the issuers of sukuk; the background
of the issuers of sukuk, whether they are feasible or not. This is important in
relation to the return that will be gained by investors, in order for them not to be trapped by
“bodong” investment, appearing recently.
Keywords: syari’ah obligation, careful, feasible, investment.

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How to Cite
Bachruddin, B. (2012). Keberadaan Obligasi Syari’ah di Indonesia: Peluang dan Tantangannya. Unisia, 31(70).