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This research proposes to explore the quality of graduates of higher education in civil
engineering in Australia. The result of the research can be used to help civil engineering
education providers to apply a strategy to improve the quality of their graduates. The study
uses primary data from the personal of construction industry, the data of which are analyzed
statistically. This study reveals about the evaluation of the skill of civil engineering
graduates by construction industry; the expectation of construction industry toward the
skill which has to be mastered by graduates of civil engineering; and the gap between the
evaluation and the expectation.
Keywords: construction industry, skill of graduates, quality of graduates, civil engineering.

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How to Cite
Musyafa, A. (2012). Harapan dan Penilaian Industri Konstruksi terhadap Ketrampilan Lulusan Teknik Sipil. Unisia, 32(71).