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Family the first and top learning place for every teenager. Parenting way will affect
the development of teenager's characters. But, not all parents understand how to deal
with teenager correctly, such as parents at Dusun Jati, Kelurahan Gerbosari, Kecamatan
Samigaluh, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, Provinsi D.I. Yogyakarta. So, they need an education
about parenting. Based on these circumstances, the authors organized a " Bina Keluarga
Remaja (BKR)" as a community service activities. Parents are given educational material
in six sessions, those are definition of teenager, the importance of parents role, the
importance of sex education for teenager, the importance of parental supervision, the
role of peers, and the role of parents to help tenageer to recognize himself. The service
activities managed to increase the knowledge of parents in tenaager growth fostering
correctly and focused, in order to build a quality family.


Keywords Parenting Way Education Parents

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