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This study aims to determine the effect of compensation and work discipline on performance at the Office of Highways and Construction of the Road and Bridge Technical Implementation Unit of North Sumatra Province. This research is associative research. The sample in this study were all employees of the Department of Highways and Construction of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Road and Bridge of North Sumatra Province, totaling 47 people. Data collection techniques used were interviews and questionnaires. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression. The results showed that partially, there was a positive and significant effect between compensation on employee performance. Partially, there is a positive and significant influence of work discipline on employee performance. Simultaneously, there is a significant influence between compensation and work discipline on employee performance.

Keywords: Compensation, Work Discipline, Performance

Article Details

Author Biography

Muhammad Arif, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia


How to Cite
Arif, M., Syaifani, P. E., Siswadi, Y., & Jufrizen, J. (2020). Effect of Compensation and Discipline on Employee Performance. Proceeding UII-ICABE, 1(1), 263–276. Retrieved from


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