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Poverty is a multidimensional problem. Poverty should be understood not only in terms of economic disability, but also the failure to fulfill the basic rights and differentiation of treatment for a person or group of people in living a life of dignity. The Government of Yogyakarta Special Region has adopted a right-based approach which means that the state is obliged to respect, protect, and fulfill the basic rights of the poor gradually. However, these efforts are not yet optimal. This study is to evaluate poverty alleviation policies in Indonesia through a One Faculty One Village Model (OFOV), a model to overcome poverty by involving the role of universities in rural and urban life. The sampling method is convenience method in Yogyakarta Special Region based on primary and secondary data in 2018. The sample in this study were community, village government, university students, field supervisor, field assistant program of Student Study Service and Community Service. To test the research hypothesis used two different tests on average with alpha 5%. This study concluded that OFOV has not been optimal due to to reduce poverty in Yogyakarta Special Region.

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Badrudin, R., Susilo, Y. S., Santoso, R. P., Soeroso, A., & Arsyad, L. (2020). The Evaluation of One Faculty One Village: The Model to Poverty Reduction in Yogyakarta Special Region. Proceeding UII-ICABE, 1(1), 347–354. Retrieved from


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