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For SMEs, the preparation of the budget becomes a solution that still has not been found a solution, this is due to the limited knowledge of business actors about the technical preparation of the company budget. The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of the design of the budget preparation model for MSME entrepreneurs. This study uses a qualitative approach with the R & D method of budgeting models for MSMEs. The results of this study consisted of three stages, namely stage one consisting of identification of business process activities, identification of the costs of each business activity and determination of the arithmetic unit of each expenditure. Stage two is the calculation of the total cost of each business activity and the third stage is the stage of preparing the cost of production, calculating the gross profit and net profit of the business.

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How to Cite
Iswanaji, C., & Wahyudi, M. (2020). Designing the production costing model for small and medium enterprises in Magelang regency. Proceeding UII-ICABE, 1(1), 365–372. Retrieved from


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