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The representation of women in films is always an interesting topic in Indonesian film studies. This article aims to reveal the representation of women, especially in their identity as mothers in the film Jangan Menangis Mama (Don’t Cry Mommy) was produced in 1977. This film was directed by Sofia WD, a film star, screenwriter, and film producer who works both in the Old Order and the New Order of the Indonesian Film Industry. Based on Roland Barthes' semiotic analysis, this article uncovers two levels of meaning systems, namely denotation and connotation related to the mother's character in the film. The process of interpreting these signs cannot be separated from the concept of ‘ibuism’ (motherhood) as a gender-political ideology of the New Order and the context of the male-dominated film industry. Research findings show that the dominant representation of mothers is associated with the weak position of a woman with various roles: as a wife, a mother, a single mother, a citizen, and a daughter. However, this research found a 'limited' agency from Sofia WD as a woman director of the film Jangan Menangis Mama to offer gender representation that is not completely stereotypical as well as not just 'black and white' as in previous studies.


representation ibu film New Order semiotics

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Author Biography

Novi Kurnia, Departemen Ilmu Komunikasi Fisipol UGM, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Staf pengajar Program Studi Magister Ilmu Komunikasi di Fisipol UGM. Selain menjadi salah satu dewan redaksi JSP (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik), ia adalah pendiri dan koordinator Jaringan Pegiat Literasi Digital (Japelidi) dari tahun 2017 hingga sekarang.  Doktor lulusan Flinders University (South Australia) ini menekuni kajian literasi digital, sinema Indonesia, serta gender dan media. Ia dan timnya memenangkan WhatsApp Misinformation and Social Research Award yang hasilnya diterbitkan dalam buku berjudul WhatsApp Group and Digital Literacy among Indonesian Women pada tahun 2020. Berbagai karyanya di bidang literasi digital, gender dan media serta kajian film Indonesia diterbitkan di berbagai publikasi nasional dan internasional. Ia bisa dihubungi melalui:

How to Cite
Kurnia, N., & Hidayatullah , M. T. . (2024). Ibu(isme) dan Film Orde Baru: Representasi Ibu dalam film Jangan Menangis Mama . Jurnal Komunikasi, 18(2), 207–228.


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