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The human development index (HDI) is one of the measuring tools for achieving the quality of life of a region or even a country, including Indonesia. There are 3 basic components of the HDI, namely the dimensions of health, knowledge, and decent living. Development in Indonesia is uneven as indicated by the Human Development Index (HDI) of districts/cities in 2021 which varies greatly. The purpose of this study is to compare several machine learning algorithms to classify districts/cities in Indonesia according to the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2021. There are six machine learning algorithms used in this study, namely Artificial Neural Network (ANN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), K-Nearset Neighbor (K-NN), Random Forest, Decision Tree, and Naive Bayes. The k-Fold Cross Validation method is applied to form the training set and testing set, with 10 folds and 1 repetition. The results of the study showed that the classification results of the SVM algorithm using the Radial Basis Function (RBF) kernel parameters with sigma = 0.4864648 and C = 1 were the best among the other five algorithms with an average accuracy of 76.08% and a maximum accuracy of 88.24%.


Data Mining Confusion Matrix Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) Klasifikasi machine learning

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How to Cite
Dewi, N. K. A. P. S., Wijayanto, A. W., & Nursiyono, J. A. (2025). Comparison of Machine Learning Algorithms in Classifying Districts/Cities in Indonesia According to the Human Development Index (HDI) in 2021. Jurnal Sains, Nalar, Dan Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi, 4(1), 26–33.


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