Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

BIKKM: Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Scientific Periodical Journal of Medicine and Public Health)

In dealing with cases in research and publication, BIKKM: Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Scientific Periodical Journal of Medicine and Public Health) uses guidelines issued by the Committee on Publication Ethics (Commission of Publication Ethics/COPE) in all aspects of publication ethics, in particular, protocols of research and publication misconduct. BIKKM: Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Scientific Periodical Journal of Medicine and Public Health) requires all articles involving human subjects to respect the principles of research ethics as stated in the Declaration of Helsinki. Research involving animals as subjects must comply with the International Principles for Biomedical Research issued by the International Council of Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS).

The corresponding authors must confirm that all experiments were performed under relevant guidelines and regulations for research manuscripts involving experiments on live vertebrates or higher invertebrates. The manuscript must include a statement identifying the institute or licensing committee approving the experiments, including any relevant details. Manuscripts must have proper ethical consideration for human or animal subjects to be accepted for publication.

For experiments that involve human subjects, the authors must identify the committee which approved the experiments, and their submission must include a statement confirming that informed consent was obtained from all subjects. Authors using phase II and phase III randomized controlled trials in their study should refer to the CONSORT Statement for recommendations which facilitates complete and transparent reporting of trial findings.

All animal experiments must adhere to institutional and national guidelines for the care and use of animal subjects, which should be clearly stated in the manuscript. Manuscripts should contain a statement that advises all efforts were made to minimize animal suffering and reduce the number of animals used, and if available, efforts to utilize alternatives to invivo techniques.

As an essential issue, ethical publication should be clear in order to improve the quality of research. BIKKM: Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Scientific Periodical Journal of Medicine and Public Health) adjusts to meet the ethical standards for publishers, editors, authors, and reviewers. In order to uphold these ethical standards, the publisher does not have the right to interfere with the integrity of the contents and the only support to publish promptly.

Here are the ethical standards for editors, authors, and reviewers.


  1. The Editor is responsible for every article published in BIKKM: Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Scientific Periodical Journal of Medicine and Public Health)
  2. The editor helps the authors follow the guidelines for the authors
  3. The editors may communicate with other editors or reviewers in making a final decision.
  4. The editor objectively assesses the manuscript's publication, regardless of the author's racial background, religion, gender, seniority, ethnicity, political beliefs, institutional affiliation or nationality. The editor must relinquish his/her duties if there is a potential conflict of interest.
  5. The Editor must ensure that the document sent to the reviewers does not contain information on the author and vice versa.
  6. The editor's decision must be notified to the author and the reviewers' comments, except those containing offensive or libellous statements.
  7. Editors should respect the author's request that the order is not subject to review by any other person for any reason.
  8. The editor and all staff must ensure the confidentiality of the submitted manuscript.
  9. If there is a suspicion of error or dispute in writing, Editor solves it using the COPE as a guide.


  1. Reviewers comment on the possibility of errors in ethical research and publications.
  2. Reviewers should complete the job on time and notify the Editor if they cannot finish it.
  3. Reviewers must maintain the confidentiality of the manuscript.
  4. Reviewers should not receive and review the manuscript if there is a potential conflict of interest between them and the authors.


  1. The author ensures that the materials to be published have not been published and sent to another place simultaneously.
  2. Authors must ensure the authenticity of their research and that they have cited the other’s opinions correctly by the reference format.
  3. The author is not involved in plagiarism.
  4. 'Salami' publication is prohibited in BIKKM: Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Scientific Periodical Journal of Medicine and Public Health)
  5. Authors must follow the criteria described in the writing guideline for the authors of BIKKM: Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Scientific Periodical Journal of Medicine and Public Health)
  6. Authors are not advised to publish any personal information that may make the patient's identity recognizable in the form of the description section, photograph, or genealogy. If photographs of patients are essential and indispensable as scientific information, the authors should have received written approval and clearly stated it.
  7. In the case of experiments on humans, the authors state that the study followed the Helsinki Declaration's ethical standards, which led to the human experiment. If doubts are raised about whether the study occurred by the declaration, the author should explain it. In the case of experiments on animals, the author has certified that the author has followed the guidelines abroad about animal experiments in the laboratory.
  8. Authors must submit the data and details to the editor if suspected falsification or fabrication of data.
  9. The authors should explain everything that can give rise to a conflict of interest, such as employment, research costs, consulting fees, and intellectual property on guidelines for BIKKM: Berkala Ilmiah Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Masyarakat (Scientific Periodical Journal of Medicine and Public Health)authors.