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This paper analyzes the public information dispute regarding the Memorandum of Agreement (PKS) document for the Pre-Employment Card program in the Central Information Commission Decision No. 013/VI/KIP-PS-A/2020 and Jakarta Administrative Court Decision No. 233/G/KI/2020/PTUN.JKT to see whether public bodies have implemented the principle of transparency in PKS documents. The methods used are the statutory, case study, and conceptual approaches with deductive analysis. The results of the research conclude that firstly, the Information Commission's decision deserves to be appreciated for it has the substance of strengthening the public's right to access information on cooperation agreement documents belonging to public bodies, although there is a minor note that the Commission cannot annul the internal decree of a public body when deciding on a dispute which is subsequently revised by the court which strengthens the Commission's stance. Public bodies do not have a strong foundation when arguing for rejection of a request for information on a cooperation agreement on the grounds that there is an internal decree prohibiting it or because there is a confidentiality clause based on the principle of pacta sunt servanda. Likewise, the public body argued that PKS documents will interfere with the interests of protecting intellectual property rights and protecting against unfair business competition which had not been a solid argument. Second, the attitude of public bodies in rejecting applications with various arguments indicates that public bodies have not implemented transparency in cooperation agreement documents.
Keywords: Cooperation Agreement Documents; Pre-Employment Card Program; Transparency.

Tulisan ini menganalisis sengketa informasi publik terhadap dokumen perjanjian Kerjasama (PKS) program Kartu Prakerja pada Putusan Komisi Informasi Pusat No. 013/VI/KIP-PS-A/2020 dan Putusan PTUN Jakarta No. 233/G/KI/2020/PTUN.JKT untuk melihat apakah badan publik telah menerapkan prinsip transparansi terhadap dokumen PKS. Metode yang digunakan ialah pendekatan undang-undang, pendekatan kasus, dan pendekatan konseptual dengan analisis secara deduktif. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan, pertama, Putusan Komisi Informasi layak diapresiasi karena bersubstansi memperkuat hak publik dalam mengakses informasi dokumen perjanjian kerjasama badan publik, meskipun terdapat catatan minor bahwa Komisi tidak dapat membatalkan SK internal badan publik ketika memutus sengketa yang kemudian direvisi oleh pengadilan dengan substansi yang menguatkan sikap Komisi. Badan publik tidak memiliki fondasi kuat ketika mendalilkan penolakan permohonan informasi perjanjian kerjasama dengan alasan telah ada SK internal yang melarang ataupun karena adanya klausul kerahasiaan berdasarkan asas pacta sunt servanda. Begitu pula argumentasi badan publik bahwa membuka dokumen PKS akan mengganggu kepentingan perlindungan hak kekayaan intelektual dan perlindungan dari persaingan usaha tidak sehat bukanlah argumentasi yang solid. Kedua, adapun sikap badan publik yang menolak permohonan dengan berbagai argumen tersebut menunjukkan bahwa badan publik belum menerapkan transparansi terhadap dokumen perjanjian kerja sama.
Kata Kunci: Dokumen Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS); Program Kartu Prakerja; Transparansi.


Cooperation Agreement Documents Pre-Employment Card Program Transparency

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How to Cite
Nusanto, I. A., & Wibowo, R. A. (2024). Analisis Terhadap Sengketa Informasi Publik Dokumen Perjanjian Kerja Sama (PKS) Pada Program Kartu Prakerja. Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM, 31(1), 1–25.


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