Author Guideline



A. General Rules

  1. The manuscript has never been previously published in other printed media.
  2. Except for the Abstract, the entire manuscript shall be typed in Book Antiqua font style, 12 pt size and with 1.5 spaces on A4-sized paper by using the Microsoft Word.
  3. The length of the manuscript must be between 6.000 to 8.000 words, including the abstract acknowledgement, as well as the reference list.
  4. The headings and the sub-headings must be typed in bold, and the first letter of each word must be in capital.
  5. The manuscript must be written with English and it is permissible in Arabic with the correct and appropriates standards of foreign language usage.
  6. The articles published in this journal shall be the results of legal research in its various aspects.
  7. The article should be sent to editorial board on email [email protected]


B. Systematics of the Writing

The writing of the manuscript shall be presented in accordance to the following systematics:

  1. Title: the title is written in bold, in Book Antiqua style, 14 pt size and preferably no more than 12 words.
  2. Author’s name: author’s name shall be written without academic nor professional title
  3. Institution: author’s affiliation and position.
  4. Author’s e-mail: official or professional correspondence of the author.
  5. Abstract: stated briefly in one paragraph, italicized, in 12 font size, single space, and no more than 250 words. The abstract shall be clear, concise, and descriptive. The abstract shall be written in English. The abstract shall contain: (1) the background of the problem; (2) the research question; (3) how the problem or question is analized; and (4) the result of the analysis on the problem and the recomendation suggested.
  6. Key words: provide 3 specific conceptual words or phrases, in alphabetical order, italicized and separated by comma, written with double spaces after the abstract in English.
  7. Introduction: In introduction, the author has to provide background, and (research) question(s). The author is allowed to add new points that might support the manuscript. The introduction contains (an) issue(s) that will be discussed in the manuscript. In the background, the author needs to explain the reason why the study is conducted and followed by a short theoretical framework, previous studies, which are related to the matter. The limitation of the study is also included in the background so the reader might know the scope of the article. The body text is in English with the following condition: Book Antiqua font style in 12 pt size, 1.5 space, and justified paragraph. The body text may also be written in Arabic.
  8. Methodology: Emphasize on the methodology used by the author with comprehensive explanation. It also includes writing approaches. The author also has to elaborate the problem formulation. The problem formulation must consist of minimum one research question (research problem). The formulation of the problem must be brief, clear and concise, and there is a conformity with the title of the study. It is highly advised that the problem formulation is not to be made in a manner that reflects any sorts of descriptive study.
  9. Result and Discussion: For author whose article is based on research, the manuscript should cover the results of the research and followed by the discussion. The result should provide the complete data of the findings in form of table or chart, then followed by the explanation for each findings. For author whose article is a conceptual analysis, the discussion of the article is presented thoroughly and clearly here.

    The sub-headings in this section shall be in accordance with the number of problem(s) formulation presented.

    For a more specific rules on the presentation of figure and/or table, please refer to the Template in the website.

  10. Conclusion: The conclusion provides a brief explanation for the readers about the answer to the objective(s) of the manuscript. The explanation should be clear and concise. At this point, the author(s) might add the implementation of the findings and suggestions.
  11. Acknowledgement: A brief note indicating gratitude to those who have been of help (either persons or institutions) to the author during the research and the writing process, for instance by supporting it financially or by giving feedback on the text during its composition and revising stages. For more detailed rules on Acknowledgement, please refer to the Template provided.
  12. References: References lists all books, journal articless, papers, either printed or online, cited in the manuscript which is arranged alphabetically in the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (Full Note). For more detail, please see the referencing rules below.


C. Referencing

  1. Every citation should specify the complete source and written by footnote system under the Chicago Manual of Style 17th Edition (Full Note).
  2. General referencing guide for the manuscript shall consider the following:
    • Using only the past 10-year-old references, with the minimum proportion of journal articles to be 50% out of the total references; and
    • Citing online/internet-based sources is only permissible if cited from accountable sources, such as internationally-recognized journals, as well as official websites of the government bodies and/or private institutions.
  3. For the matter of efficiency, it is highly advised for the authors to utilize the Zotero application in the making of the footnotes and the final References list.