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In colonial history in the Dutch East Indies, customary law was superior to Islamic law. By utilizing the historical approach of social thought, this article aims at exploring how and why customary inheritance law was more applicable than Islamic inheritance law. After observing the practice in several areas, including in Surambi Masjid, Snouck Hurgronje found that customary law dominated people's lives. In turn, this idea was implemented in Dutch legal regulations that weakened the roles of penghulu of the Religious Courts in resolving family and inheritance issues that required approval from the District Court judges. In addition, the penghulu’s decision was not valid if it was not in line with customary law. Based on Hurgronje’s advice, the competence of the Religious Court at inheritance was transferred to the District Court. He considered that inheritance was under the state’s authority, and at the same time, it had not been fully accepted by customary law.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Muhammad Jazil Rifqi

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McFate, Montgomery. “A Military Anthropologist Looks at Islamic Insurgency in Aceh.” Orbis 62, no. 4 (2018): 632–54.
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Ridwan, Auliya. “Colonial Politics of Power and Cultural Identity Development of Islamic Education Vis-À-Vis European Education in The Netherlands East Indies Periods.” Marâji‘: Jurnal Studi Keislaman 2, no. 2 (2016): 227–47.
Rohmana, Jajang A. “Colonial Informants and the Acehnese-Dutch War: Haji Hasan Mustapa’s Response to Teuku Umar’s Collaboration with the Dutch Authorities in the East Indies.” Indonesia and the Malay World 49, no. 143 (2021): 63–81.
Rohmana, Jajang A. “Persahabatan Penjajah Dan Bangsa Jajahan Di Hindia Belanda: C. Snouck Hurgronje Dan Haji Hasan Mustapa [Friendship of Colonizers and Colonies in the Dutch East Indies: C. Snouck Hurgronje and Haji Hasan Mustapa].” Afkaruna: Indonesian Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Studies 12, no. 2 (2016): 144–68.
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Safa’at, Muchamad Ali. “Islam and the State in Indonesia from a Legal Perspective.” Multiple Secularities, 2019.
Sezgin, Yüksel, and Mirjam Künkler. “Regulation of ‘Religion’ and the ‘Religious’: The Politics of Judicialization and Bureaucratization in India and Indonesia.” Comparative Studies in Society and History 56, no. 2 (2014): 448–78.
Shihab, Alwi. Membendung Arus: Respons Gerakan Muhammadiyah Terhadap Penetrasi Misi Kristen Di Indonesia [Damping the Tide: The Response of the Muhammadiyah Movement to the Penetration of Christian Missions in Indonesia]. Bandung, Indonesia: Mizan, 1998.
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Thohir, Ajid, Dedi Supriadi, Mulyana, Faizal Arifin, and Muhammad Andi Septiadi. “The Struggle of Freemasonry and Islamic Ideology in the Twentieth Century during Colonialization in Indonesia.” Heliyon 7, no. 10 (2021): e08237.
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Wieringa, Edwin. “The Dream of the King and the Holy War against the Dutch: The ‘Kôteubah’ of the Acehnese Epic, ‘Hikayat Prang Gômpeuni.’” Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 61, no. 2 (1998): 298–308.