Main Article Content
The religiously diverse society of NTT (Bumi Flobamora) has received national title as the most tolerant province in Indonesia. However, reality shows that there are religious conflicts, such as the rejection of the establishment of Islamic places of worship and the emergence of various forms of violence with religious nuances. This study attempts to provide a new contemporary social philosophy explanation for the development of religious social conditions. With the help of philosophical methods, the results show that the ideology of pluralism has long lived in Bumi Flobamora. However, this model of "traditional pluralism,” which is based on local wisdom and supported by the government's policy of harmony, is currently no longer in line with demands for universal human rights, because "traditional pluralism" shows the unequal treatment of people of different religions. Therefore, contemporary social philosophy develops a "modern pluralism,” which is built on the principle of equality. To strengthen this new model of pluralism, efforts are needed to overcome the weaknesses of communitarianism. The main weakness of communitarianism is that it opens up a space for religious appreciation that only emphasizes the togetherness and unity of a spiritual community and views those outside the community as other people who may or should even be excluded. The study concludes that the unity of religions in Bumi Flobamora will only survive if traditional pluralism is replaced with modern pluralism, which is in line with the Political Ethics of the Indonesian nation, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, and the basic philosophy of Pancasila.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2024 Norbertus Jegalus, Ahmad Atang, Norbertus Antoin Binsasi
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Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-SA) 4.0 License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgment of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal.
Achmad, N., Harahap, R. H., & Ihsan, M. I. (2023). Radicalism movement in higher education in Indonesia: Students' understanding and its prevention. Kesetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 44(1), 123-128.
Aderibigbe, S.A., Idriz, M., Alzouebi, K.M., Al-Othman, H., Hamdi, W. B., & Compaioni, A. A. (2023). Fostering tolerance and respect for diversity through the fundamentals of Islamic education. Religions, 14(2), 212.
Aryati, A., & Suradi, A. (2022). The implementation of religious tolerance: Study on Pesantren Bali Bina Insani with Bali Hindus communities. Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun, 10(2), 471-490.
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Barihasion, A. B., Donque, G. M., Mediana, N. L., Tantog, A. J. D., & Cerdina, R. E. (2023). Exploring the unseen: Muslim students' journeys in Catholic religious education classes. Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 22(2), 464-496.
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Erken, H. G., Francis, L. J., & McKenna, U. (2023). Love for Allah and love for self: Exploring the connection between religious affect and self-esteem, among Muslim adolescent in England. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 44(1), 99-109.
Fathoni, I. S. (2022). Analisis Upaya UIN Raden Mas Said dalam implementasi nilai-nilai moderasi beragama di era modern [Analysis of UIN Raden Mas Said's efforts to implement the values of religious moderation in the modern era]. International Conference on Cultures & Languages (ICCL), 1(1), 320-337. php/iccl/article/view/5774
Gomang, S. (2007). Keanekaragaman kebudayaan NTT: Potensi ancaman atau kekuatan [NTT's cultural Diversity: Potential threats or strengths]. In T. Kleden, M. M. Banda, & D. D. Putra (Eds.), 15 tahun Pos Kupang Suara Nusa Tenggara Timur. PT Timor Media Grafika.
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Hamid, A., Shalih, M. U., & Uyuni, B. (2023). Christianization as e challenge for Islamic da'wah in Indonesia. Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 22(1), 19-60.
Hasan, F., Bukido, R., Wekke, I. S., & Mantu, R. (2018). Tolerance attitude among religious people in the marine environment: A case study of the mosque of ex-Kampong Texas. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science,156, 1-9.
Jegalus, N. (2009). Das Verhaltnis von Politik, Religion und Zivilreligion untersucht am Beispiel der Pancasila. Herbert Utz Verlag.
Jegalus, N. (2020). Modernizing religion and culture: Sutan Takdir Alisjahbana's philosophical perspective of values. Indonesian Journal of Interdisciplinary Islamic Studies (IJIIS), 3(2), 1-22.
Jegalus, N., & Subani, Y. (2023). Tractatus politicus dan demokrasi: Risalah model-model rezim yang rasional [Political treatise and democracy: A treatise on rational regime models]. Jurnal Ledalero, 22(2), 102-119.
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Mirsel, R., Baghi, F., & Buru, P. M. (2023). Peranan modal sosial dalam pencegahan dan penanganan masalah intoleransi di Nusa Tenggara Timur [The role of social capital in preventing and handing the problem of intolerance in East Nusa Tenggara]. Jurnal Ledalero, 22(1), 55-71.
Mulyana, R. (2023). Religious moderation in Islamic religious education textbook and implementation in Indonesia. HTS Teologiese Studies/ Theological Studies, 79(1), a8592.
Musyarrofah, U. & Zulhannan. (2023). Religious moderation in the discourse of Nahdatul Ulama's dakwah in the Era of Industry 4.0. Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 22(2), 409-434.
Niam, K. (2017). Nahdatul Ulama and the production of Muslim intellectuals at the beginning of 21st-century Indonesia. Journal of Indonesian Islam, 11(2), 315-388.
Nugroho, M. I. H. & Wahyono, S. B. (2023). Correlation between the attitude of religious tolerance educators with religious intolerance of learners. Al-Ishlah Jurnal Pendidikan, 15(1), 653-664.
Nurjanah, N., Aniqoh, A., & Muntaqo, R. (2022). Living Hadist dan Qur'an dalam membentuk religiusitas anak sejak dini dalam bingkai moderasi beragama di Purworejo [Living Hadith and Qur'an in shaping chlidren's religiosity from an early age within the framework of religious moderation in Purworejo]. Jumat Keagamaan: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 3(2), 55-60.
Qodir, Z., Nashir, H., & Hefner, R. W. (2023). Muhammadiyah making Indonesia's Islamic moderation based on maqasid shari'ah. Ijtihad: Jurnal Wacana Hukum Islam dan Kemanusiaan, 23(1), 77-92.
Raho, B., Daven, M., & Maku, H. (2020). Benih-beinih ideologi Islamisme radikal di kalangan sejumlah mahasiswa NTT [The seeds of radical Islamist ideology among a number of NTT students). Jurnal Ledalero, 19(1), 2-33.
Regus, M., Jelahut, M. S., & Nesi, A. (2020). Dinamika HAM dalam perbincangan tiga dimensi: Tinjauan konseptual dan praktis [The dynamics of human rights in three-dimensional discussions: A conceptual and practical review]. Jurnal Ledalero, 19(2), 145-156.
Riyanto, W. F. (2023). Moderation between religious freedom and harmony concerning the regulation on mosque loudspeaker: Comparison between Indonesia and other Muslim countries. Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, 20(1), 69-96.
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