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The Act No. 221999 on regional government and No. 251999 on the balance of finance between central government and regional government, have vast impact on all aspects of the nation life. The impacts are not only on politic and economic aspects, but they also have logic consequence on the changes of Indonesian education form and system. Based on the rules above, the education process in schools should be independent gradually and will not depend on central government moreover on regional government especially in finance. Consequenly, the quality of school must be improved either in planning or process or outcome aspect. To reach the aimed quality of the schools need a management system that can improve the quality of schools. In this frame, this writing offers the total quality management system as a medium to autonomous education having a certain quality in decentralization era.

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Author Biography

Imam Syafi'ie

Imam Syafi'ie, Lahir di Kediri tanggal 8 Agustus 1954. Pendidikan S-1 di IAIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta Fakultas Tarbiyah, selesai tahun 1980. Jenjang Magister diselesaikan di tempat yang sama pada tahun 1990, dan gelar Doktor juga di IAIN Sunan Kalijaga pada tahun 1998. Selama satu tahun melakukan studi literatur di Institute of Islamic Sudies Mc. Gill University Montreal, Canada, 1994. Selain sebagai Dosen tetap di Fakultas ilmu Agama Islam UII, juga aktif mengajar pada program S-2 dan S-3 di Surabaya, Bali, Samannda, Bandung. Karya tulis berupa buku antara lain; konsep Ilmu Pengetahuan dalam al Qur'an: Telaah dan Pendekatan Filsafat Ilmu (2000) dan Konsep Guru Menunit Al-Ghazali (1992). Menjabat sebagai Ketua Program Magister Studi Islam (MSI) UII. Mulai 1997 sampai sekarang.

How to Cite
Syafi’ie, I. (2016). Manajemen dan Kualitas Pendidikan di Eta Otonomi Pendidikan. Millah: Journal of Religious Studies, 1(1), 41–54.