Journal History

During the period of 2019-2022, the topics of Islamic social finance and social entrepreneurship became the primary focus of various discussions at the Center for Islamic Economics and Development Studies (Pusat Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Ekonomi Islam, P3EI), Faculty of Business and Economics (FBE), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII). Based on these diverse discussions, the idea of publishing a medium that could disseminate research results on Islamic social finance and social entrepreneurship. Eventually, these discussions led to the decision for P3EI to publish in an international journal involving researchers from various countries as editors, reviewers, and contributors.

To realize this decision, Prof. Dr. Jaka Sriyana (Scopus ID: 55589316800), as the Dean of FBE, UII, issued Dean's Decision Number 217/Dek/60/Div.URT/II/2022 on February 8, 2022, regarding the establishment of a journal preparation team to be used as a medium for disseminating research results on Islamic Social Finance and Islamic Social Entrepreneurship.

The journal preparation team consisted of Priyonggo Suseno (Scopus ID: 57855892200), Heri Sudarsono (Scopus ID: 57216744648), Muamar Nur Kholid (Scopus ID: 57205612142), Aminudin Anwar (Scopus ID: 57216964608), Istyakara Musclihah (Scopus ID: 57195759032), and Rindang Nuri Isnaini Nurgrohowati (Scopus ID: 57220190163). This team engaged in several discussions regarding the journal's name, aim, scope, business processes, and appearance. Several papers from reputable international journals were referenced to determine the journal's name, aims, and scope, including the following:

From these discussions, the team eventually identified two key phrases to compose the journal's name: Islamic Social Finance and Islamic Social Entrepreneurship. Subsequently, the team searched for journal names containing these two key phrases on the Scopus, Scimago, WOS, and SINTA websites. After conducting searches and further discussions, the name "Review of Islamic Social Finance and Entrepreneurship" (RISFE) was chosen for its specificity, uniqueness, and differentiation from other journals.

The team then utilized several international journals from reputable publishers, such as Emerald, ScienceDirect, and several Sinta 1 journals, as references in designing the business processes and appearance of RISFE. Subsequently, on April 22, 2022, the first version of RISFE on OJS was launched at The management team agreed upon, with Priyonggo Suseno (Scopus ID: 57855892200) as the Editor-in-Chief, while Riska Dwi Astuti (Scopus ID: 57221781882) and Jannahar Saddam Ash Shidiqie (Scopus ID: 57216971115) were appointed as Managing Editors of RISFE. The team hoped that RISFE management would promptly prepare technical steps for publishing the inaugural edition in September 2022.

The next step was to Call for Papers in an effort to introduce RISFE and obtain papers from various countries. The Call for Papers was conducted on May 15, 2022, with the topic "Enhancing Islamic Social Finance and Social Entrepreneurship toward A Civilized Economy System." From the papers received, 12 were selected for publication in Vol 1, No 1, and No 2. Subsequently, starting from Vol. 2, each issue was published with seven papers to increase the chances of papers meeting RISFE's criteria for immediate publication.

On September 14, 2022, RISFE was applied to an ISSN and received the ISSN SK number on September 21, 2022, with ISSN number 2963-847X. After obtaining the ISSN, the RISFE was successfully indexed in REPECT and BASE in 2023. In the same year, RISFE was applied for indexing by EBSCO and ProQuest. After completing the two volumes, RISFE was finally applied to DOAJ on October 20, 2023, and on February 5, 2024, it was successfully indexed in DOAJ.