Peer Review Process

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 Manuscript Readiness Level (MRL)
 Decision Matrix
 Types of Decision


Submissions should be prepared in accordance with the Author Guidelines. The manuscript may be returned to authors without a scientific assessment if they do not meet all submission requirements, if they are not in the correct format, or cannot be downloaded reliably.

Submissions must represent the original and independent work of the authors. Each new submission is assessed by Editor using Manuscript Readliness Level (MRL to determine whether it falls within the general remit of Review of Islamic Social Finance and Entrepreneurship. We will reject a manuscript without review if it contains insufficient content; it exceeds our word limit or is incorrectly formatted; it is poorly presented and unclear. Manuscripts that pass the initial assessment will be handled by Editor to oversee the review process for contribution, originality, relevance, and presentation.

Once a manuscript passes the initial checks, it will be assigned to at least two independent experts for peer-review. A single-blind review is applied, where authors' identities are known to reviewers. Peer review comments are confidential and will only be disclosed with the express agreement of the reviewer. All manuscripts are subject to peer review and authors can expect a decision, or an explanation for the delay, within 4 weeks of receipt. If a revision is invited, the corresponding author should submit the revised manuscript within 1 week. The final decision is taken by Editors based on the information gained through the peer-review process.

We ensure that the reviewed manuscript is treated confidentially prior to being published, as explained in Publication Ethics

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 Manuscript Readiness Level (MRL)

Before you submit your manuscript, it is highly recommended for you to pre-evaluate it using Manuscript Readiness Level (MRL), an instrument that we developed to help you get effective time of peer-reviewing process.

Pre-Evaluation Criteria
(Level 1)
(level 2)
(level 3)
Title: The title must be simple, direct, accurate, appropriate, specific, functional, concise/brief, unambiguous, informative, unique, and it should not be misleading.  
Abstract: The main part of an abstract is the purpose of the study, the methodology design of the study, major findings or trends found as a result of your analysis, and the originality which allows your research to be distinct from the existing literature.
Keywords: Searchable by search engine, truly represents the intention of research. Don’t use phrases, only words. 5 keywords are recommended.
Introduction: The introduction should outline the aims of your paper, as well as describe why the topic is important and what it contributes to the body of knowledge. It establishes the scope, context, and significance of the research being conducted by summarizing current understanding and background information about
the topic, stating the purpose of the work in the form of the research problem supported by a hypothesis or a set of questions. 
Literature review: The Literature Review should comply with the aim of the research (“fitness for purpose”) and represent the results of a critical analysis of the analytical base for testing the research hypothesis. The literature review must not be limited only by works, which were published in the country where the author lives and works (the problem should be studied globally).  
Method: The research methods section describes the main stages and procedures of the research to investigate a research problem and the rationale for the application of specific procedures or techniques used to identify, select, process, and analyze information applied to understand the main problem of the research.
Results: The result and discussion section are the main part of the author's contribution  to the research by providing a report in the form of an explanation of the findings of the research-based upon the methodology you applied to gather information. The results section should state the findings of the research arranged in a logical sequence without bias or interpretation
Discussion: The purpose of the discussion is to interpret and describe the significant findings of the research considering what was already known about the research problem being investigated and to explain any new understanding or insights that emerged as a result of the research process to answer of the problem. The discussion will always connect to the introduction by way of the research questions or hypotheses you posed and the literature you reviewed.
Conclusion: The conclusion should summarize the main state of the findings at the point of writing and consider the next steps. This section also the synthesis key points of the result and, if applicable recommend new areas for future research.
References: Accountable, about 80% of the literatures from primary sources (reputable journals) and up to date (last 10 years). Use reference management tools.
Total score

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 Decision Matrix

Most likely to be published with little discussion with Editor/Reviewer
Possible minor revision (if there are no mistakes in principle)
Possible major revision
Most likely to be rejected in the first stage

Disclaimer: The Manuscript Readiness Level (MRL) above is used by authors as a “tool” to optimize the peer-reviewing process. The decision to accept or reject an article for publication in Review of Islamic Social Finance and Entrepreneurship is the authority of the Editor based on recommendations from reviewers.

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 Types of Decision

There are four types of editorial decisions during the peer review process, which are: Accept submission, Revision Required, Resubmit for Review and Decline Submission

Accept submission

The paper is accepted for publication, subject to conditions that need to be addressed in producing a final version of the manuscript. These may include sub-editing changes and the minor amendment to ensure the paper fully matches our criteria. After final checking in the editorial office, acceptance is confirmed and the paper is forwarded to the publishers for publication.

Revision Required

The paper requires changes before a final decision can be made. Authors are asked to modify their manuscript in light of comments received from referees and editors and to submit a new version for consideration within 1 week of receiving the decision letter. A point-by-point explanation of how comments have been addressed must be supplied with the revised version of the paper. Revisions may undergo further peer review and papers may undergo more than one round of revision. If the authors do not revise their papers to the satisfaction of the editors, the paper can still be declined from publication in Review of Islamic Social Finance and Entrepreneurship.

Resubmit for Review

The submitted version of the paper is not acceptable and requires major revision, but there is clear potential in the work, and Review of Islamic Social Finance and Entrepreneurship is prepared to consider a new version. Authors are offered the opportunity to resubmit their paper as a new submission. Concerns will remain regarding the suitability of the paper for publication until the editors are convinced by the authors that their paper fits the scope and standards of Review of Islamic Social Finance and Entrepreneurship. The resubmitted manuscript will be returned to the original associate editor if at all possible.

Decline Submission

Following peer review, the paper is judged not to be acceptable for publication in Review of Islamic Social Finance and Entrepreneurship.

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